Davey Mac sports show



this is what I was listening in traffic today. D-man and the motivational speaker with the acronyms are really something fucking else.

Honeydew melon, my friend. If that's your fantasy... Enjoy.

If Fez wasn't gay he was better than Andy Kaufman himself.


I mean, I don't see why people always say this like it's mind blowing. Fez was a theater kid, a student of pro wrestling, in fact Andy Kaufman didn't hold a candle to some of the double/triple worked shoots Ron&Fez pulled with a straight face.

He wasn't some ugly shy man at his peak. He could have got many women or men. Even Earl was able to have sex with some women.

This is all explained by him being an aspie narcissist loner. Fez avoided things he didn't like at all costs.
No woman (or man) met his expectations to be good enough for him. Rather than settle, he simply kept himself out of the game as a VolCel.

He did this with many aspects of his social life too. He'd forgo experiences because they didn't fit into his specific routine, or didn't meet his standards. He was a weird guy ontop of playing up his weirdness for a gimmick in the name of radio entertainment.

Ron passive-aggressiveness towards Fez was mostly after a lot of shows with Fez not talking a single word.

Ron had been doing it to Fez since the move to satellite. On FM radio, Bennington felt like he was "in" on everything and helping Fez promote it all. Once they hit satellite, Ron saw himself in a different light and started sandbagging Fez. Ron treated Whatley like he was his live read boy, somebody to kick around to kill time, and then put him on the backburner when he runs dry.

It took its toll on Whatley and became a vicious cycle wherein Fez wouldn't even try, because everytime he did try, he was shot down by his hero.
Again, Fez avoided doing things he didn't like... when he would lock up, Bennington was then given an excuse to go from shooting his ideas down to straight up mocking him for trying to get a bit off the ground. (A bit that Ron would've been all-in on just a few short years prior.)

Fez's downfall can be traced directly to Bennington's mid-life crisis.


For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!
Whisper-Talking Bennington does radio hiding out in his house, just so his spoiled hoss can have a stay at home career.

Bennington doesn't get enough flack for his role in Fez's downfall.
The bullying was funny to listen to, but some of it was out of Bennington's spiteful jealousy thinking Fez was keeping him in the past.
Fez wanted to keep doing weird bits, and Ron thought he was going to be a king of hipsters by cutting Whatley off.

I wonder why Fez went quiet during interviews? Maybe because Bennington would put the boots to him on-air after the interview for something minor. Wonder why Fez stopped talking? Perhaps it was because Bennington shot down everything Fez said like he was ridiculous for bringing up topics. Ron was trying to push Fez out, but his loyalty prevented him.

Fez was constantly being put-down in real life and on the air by random people in oddly harsh ways. He never really deserved it early on. Bennington liked the idea of having a tortured gay friend, to keep him "COOL" so he encouraged our poor tubby boy to keep drinking the tainted soup like that cunt mother in the sixth sense.

Fez wasn't gay, Ron convinced him he was, also tried to convince him he was molested, etc.
Fez was just a loner narcissist B-personality type manchild. He idolized Ron and took his every word as a command.

It seems like now Gail is the one driving Ron insane. I hope any misfortune they experience is Whatley haunting them.

While I love Ron, he's become a hack. And you make valid points I've never considered... I'll never know how much was real and fake there, but there was definite anger between the two of them and it came just from Ron. There's some harsh shit he'd say that wasn't even funny.

But Fez not being gay? C'mon, fella, he was absolutely gay, but was just one of those who struggled with it. They do exist, and I don't envy them. If you don't choose to believe that, just listen to his sister when she called in to Bennington, and talked about how Fez believed he'd never find love, and probably didn't even deserve it. That was one of the saddest bloody things I've ever heard, especially knowing that he did die without the love he wanted.

That poor bastard never beat his demons, but he'll ALWAYS be The Big Cat to me.

Dummy Gaynuts

Pookie-pie water-pig
While I love Ron, he's become a hack. And you make valid points I've never considered... I'll never know how much was real and fake there, but there was definite anger between the two of them and it came just from Ron. There's some harsh shit he'd say that wasn't even funny.

But Fez not being gay? C'mon, fella, he was absolutely gay, but was just one of those who struggled with it. They do exist, and I don't envy them. If you don't choose to believe that, just listen to his sister when she called in to Bennington, and talked about how Fez believed he'd never find love, and probably didn't even deserve it. That was one of the saddest bloody things I've ever heard, especially knowing that he did die without the love he wanted.

That poor bastard never beat his demons, but he'll ALWAYS be The Big Cat to me.
call me a rube on the midway, but I often wonder if Fez was really a virgin


Pfizer-BioNTech approved mod
there was definite anger between the two of them and it came just from Ron.
Fez had anger towards Ron. Silence, tears, over-reactions, sabotaging the show, etc. He would turn on anyone in a second but never Ron. He was always passive-aggressive about it.


This is all explained by him being an aspie narcissist loner. Fez avoided things he didn't like at all costs.
No woman (or man) met his expectations to be good enough for him. Rather than settle, he simply kept himself out of the game as a VolCel.

He did this with many aspects of his social life too. He'd forgo experiences because they didn't fit into his specific routine, or didn't meet his standards. He was a weird guy ontop of playing up his weirdness for a gimmick in the name of radio entertainment.
Aspies usually are introvert like Sheldon from Big Bang theory or like Earl. I can't see an aspie being able to do what Fez was able to do at the beginning of his career.
Ron had been doing it to Fez since the move to satellite. On FM radio, Bennington felt like he was "in" on everything and helping Fez promote it all. Once they hit satellite, Ron saw himself in a different light and started sandbagging Fez. Ron treated Whatley like he was his live read boy, somebody to kick around to kill time, and then put him on the backburner when he runs dry.

It took its toll on Whatley and became a vicious cycle wherein Fez wouldn't even try, because everytime he did try, he was shot down by his hero.
Again, Fez avoided doing things he didn't like... when he would lock up, Bennington was then given an excuse to go from shooting his ideas down to straight up mocking him for trying to get a bit off the ground. (A bit that Ron would've been all-in on just a few short years prior.)

Fez's downfall can be traced directly to Bennington's mid-life crisis.
Was Ronnie shutting Fez down before his first heart attack? Even before ESD basically becoming the second mic? Ron also gave the OK sign to every intern/producer to walk over Fez. That didn't happen when it was Staples, Al Duke and Earl era. I was listening to the Pizza Party show from 2012. Fez made a joke about some producer named Zito. Somehow the producer got mad and tried to come back hard at fez without no attempt of being funny. This kind of thing would never be allowed at their peak.

It is argued that Fez was a cunt towards Ron by being silent in a passive-aggressive and that's why Ron become so hostile towards Fez. Even if that is the case, Fez was never that much of a cunt to deserve such a treatment. Sure. He started trouble with a lot of friends of the show for no reason but he wasn't a cunt like Opie. It would be more noble to just end the show. I talked about this on another thread. If you listen to the old shows you will notice how much space women would get just for being young-ish and average looking. Lilly, HTG etc. Opie was probably the only non-simp among the famous radio hosts.