Dating a woman whose father is a cop.



Well? We're waiting.
Sheeeeeit, okay. You asked.

For context, this in a fairly small, conservative town in the late 2000s. Her mom was okay, but her dad was a total faggot. One of my former friends got busted with weed and her dad knew I smoked, so he essentially told the guy he'd help him get off if he dimed on me. I had absolutely nothing to do with the arrest, he just wanted to motherfuck me for fucking his daughter. My "friend" told him all about how often I smoked, who I did it with, where I got weed etc. So the cops call me in and her dad himself starts threatening me and saying they had all this shit on me. I knew it was bullshit and just kept my mouth shut. He was red in the face, yelling and sweating as he realized there was absolutely nothing they could charge me with. Even after I broke up with his daughter awhile later, him and his group of buddies harassed me for years and never once busted me for anything. I'm not kidding, I'd get called in to get questioned about buying booze for minors when they'd bust up a high school party. Nevermind that I never did that or even knew the people getting caught, of course. I once got pulled over for going 31 in a 30 and they called in backup when I said they couldn't search my car. It finally stopped when I got a better job, made a little money and hired a family-friend lawyer to threaten them with a lawsuit.


Sheeeeeit, okay. You asked.

For context, this in a fairly small, conservative town in the late 2000s. Her mom was okay, but her dad was a total faggot. One of my former friends got busted with weed and her dad knew I smoked, so he essentially told the guy he'd help him get off if he dimed on me. I had absolutely nothing to do with the arrest, he just wanted to motherfuck me for fucking his daughter. My "friend" told him all about how often I smoked, who I did it with, where I got weed etc. So the cops call me in and her dad himself starts threatening me and saying they had all this shit on me. I knew it was bullshit and just kept my mouth shut. He was red in the face, yelling and sweating as he realized there was absolutely nothing they could charge me with. Even after I broke up with his daughter awhile later, him and his group of buddies harassed me for years and never once busted me for anything. I'm not kidding, I'd get called in to get questioned about buying booze for minors when they'd bust up a high school party. Nevermind that I never did that or even knew the people getting caught, of course. I once got pulled over for going 31 in a 30 and they called in backup when I said they couldn't search my car. It finally stopped when I got a better job, made a little money and hired a family-friend lawyer to threaten them with a lawsuit.
Fuck, that's awful. Are you black or something? Cops and their fucking weed. Faggots.


Fuck, that's awful. Are you black or something? Cops and their fucking weed. Faggots.
You'd think, but no. White as the fresh-driven snow. Nevermind that there's an endless meth epidemic in the area, directly contributed to by a bunch of illegal immigrant oilfield workers. Gotta pop those stoner teens!


Sheeeeeit, okay. You asked.

For context, this in a fairly small, conservative town in the late 2000s. Her mom was okay, but her dad was a total faggot. One of my former friends got busted with weed and her dad knew I smoked, so he essentially told the guy he'd help him get off if he dimed on me. I had absolutely nothing to do with the arrest, he just wanted to motherfuck me for fucking his daughter. My "friend" told him all about how often I smoked, who I did it with, where I got weed etc. So the cops call me in and her dad himself starts threatening me and saying they had all this shit on me. I knew it was bullshit and just kept my mouth shut. He was red in the face, yelling and sweating as he realized there was absolutely nothing they could charge me with. Even after I broke up with his daughter awhile later, him and his group of buddies harassed me for years and never once busted me for anything. I'm not kidding, I'd get called in to get questioned about buying booze for minors when they'd bust up a high school party. Nevermind that I never did that or even knew the people getting caught, of course. I once got pulled over for going 31 in a 30 and they called in backup when I said they couldn't search my car. It finally stopped when I got a better job, made a little money and hired a family-friend lawyer to threaten them with a lawsuit.
What a faggot. I hope you at least enjoyed degrading sex with his daughter