Dating a woman whose father is a cop.



What did you do to my daughter, Torquie?!



Are we talking fat alcoholic lazy cop? Fat jolly towns folk kinda guy? Degenerate piece of shit? Militaristic?

Clint Eastwood? Andy Griffen? Barney Fife? Jimmy McNaulty? Guys from SVU? Derek Chauvin? Tommy Lee Jones? Denzel Washington in training day?

You gotta give me MORRRRREEEEEEE


Are we talking fat alcoholic lazy cop? Fat jolly towns folk kinda guy? Degenerate piece of shit? Militaristic?

Clint Eastwood? Andy Griffen? Barney Fife? Jimmy McNaulty? Guys from SVU? Derek Chauvin? Tommy Lee Jones? Denzel Washington in training day?

You gotta give me MORRRRREEEEEEEView attachment 67006
Havent met him yet. I met the perfect "chick" and this is the first "ah damn it, knew it was too good to be true" moment.


Because you're worried he'll sniff out that you're posting here and crack the FBI investigation? Don't be a faggot, dude. If she's great give it a shot it's not like you're moving in with him.
Not sure why it worries me. Cops are a tough one man. Is he gonna power trip and fuck me over if I get in a fight with her? I guess it's a powerful motivation to not fuck this one up.


I was just dating a woman who, out of nowhere, decided to become a cop. This was a long relationship, and right before dropping that little gem, she started getting mouthy about trivial matters and usually she was incorrect about whatever she was rudely insisting, but acting like an authority figure.

She has serious issues with being proven wrong, she's impatient like a child, and when she is upset she'll literally scream out loud when no one is around because it's "therapeutic." I'm sure in this new era, all that and her vagina qualifies her to be a police chief.

It's sad she turned into a narc out of nowhere. Her cunty new bossy attitude would have me snap on her someday, so we had to end things. I cannot tap dance around land mines all day. In a few months/years I'll probably see a security cam video of her losing a gunfight outside of a store, and then think about the life we could have had, what our children would have looked like, the trips we could have planned... if only she hadn't gone to the Blue Side.

Smeckler's Powder

Sweet powder eases the pain
I was just dating a woman who, out of nowhere, decided to become a cop. This was a long relationship, and right before dropping that little gem, she started getting mouthy about trivial matters and usually she was incorrect about whatever she was rudely insisting, but acting like an authority figure.

She has serious issues with being proven wrong, she's impatient like a child, and when she is upset she'll literally scream out loud when no one is around because it's "therapeutic." I'm sure in this new era, all that and her vagina qualifies her to be a police chief.

It's sad she turned into a narc out of nowhere. Her cunty new bossy attitude would have me snap on her someday, so we had to end things. I cannot tap dance around land mines all day. In a few months/years I'll probably see a security cam video of her losing a gunfight outside of a store, and then think about the life we could have had, what our children would have looked like, the trips we could have planned... if only she hadn't gone to the Blue Side.

poison that trollop


Which way?! Medium or well done?
Honestly, the biggest issue is if the dad is unemployed or a degenerate in some way (although the sex will be good). If he has a "normal" job, it really isn't a big deal. Why are you scared or intimidated by cops?

On the plus side, if he's from the Northeast, he was probably an O&A fan so you guys can be brothamen together.
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it depends; I've seen cops with an earpiece suddenly tense-up on hearing things about me - even tho' I'm cool as fuck - I'd expect a 'cop dad' to misuse his access to info, so it depends on what record/intel they might have.

On the other hand, if you have a clean record it might reassure them... a lot depends on how you live your life, but it could definitely be a problem if you've got anything slightly dodgy. Also, if things ever go bad, you're gonna lose (even if you're in the right)


Unless you’re a rapist or a drug dealer I wouldn’t worry about it. The scary dad thing is an 80s hack movie bit at this point. If anything it could work out in your favor.