Danposting is the ultimate proof that Patrick S Tomlinson is a blithering retard


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
Does anyone recall when Dan had an autistic ragefit just because someone said they would go to Penguicon if not for the vaccine ID shit? It was such a benign, throw it a rib just because post, yet Dan went fucking nuts. "Oh, don't SAY what you WOULD do OK? That's not a bit. We're interested in what we're ACTUALLY doing here." As if shitposting on this forum is some super serious military operation.

He took the whole thing sooo goddam seriously. That was good in a way because it was a decently produced podcast considering it was solely catering to a handful of mega autists but it also caused him to be such a sensitive baby boy about any little bit of criticism he received.

It seemed like he'd actually lost his mind towards the end when he was doxxing everyone's PMs and manufacturing weird WWE style feuds with people who'd been on the podcast that only he seemed to be in on. It's for the best that he left since he'd never have recovered from his complete faggotry, especially after Snake exposed his entire life.

The Fuchitive

Still alive as of January 2024
He took the whole thing sooo goddam seriously. That was good in a way because it was a decently produced podcast considering it was solely catering to a handful of mega autists but it also caused him to be such a sensitive baby boy about any little bit of criticism he received.

It seemed like he'd actually lost his mind towards the end when he was doxxing everyone's PMs and manufacturing weird WWE style feuds with people who'd been on the podcast that only he seemed to be in on. It's for the best that he left since he'd never have recovered from his complete faggotry, especially after Snake exposed his entire life.
Snake did us all a service.

Faggot Boqposter

The Alawite Assassin
I kinda hate I did it before his show in hindsight. You just know he started hyperventilating and started screaming. This is the canon that keeps me going.
i wonder how he woulda handled it if he was “broadcasting”. Would he have just killed the stream and left? Ranted and raved? Pretended to laugh?

The funny thing is you didn’t even reveal anything embarrassing .

Oh no you’ve been outed for having a successful career, living in a pretty nice apartment, and having a wife who owns her own business.

Thinnest skin going if having that revealed is such an issue.

Harry's Manly Calvester

Wetting Zoomers since 2023
He took the whole thing sooo goddam seriously. That was good in a way because it was a decently produced podcast considering it was solely catering to a handful of mega autists but it also caused him to be such a sensitive baby boy about any little bit of criticism he received.

It seemed like he'd actually lost his mind towards the end when he was doxxing everyone's PMs and manufacturing weird WWE style feuds with people who'd been on the podcast that only he seemed to be in on. It's for the best that he left since he'd never have recovered from his complete faggotry, especially after Snake exposed his entire life.
Worked himself into a shoot.

When he did the "don't make fun of women", it was the first sign of major homosexuality, but at least he still produced Pat content so it was a net positive.

Once he started pulling that Ethan Ralph bullshit, he got lost.

Harry's Manly Calvester

Wetting Zoomers since 2023
I kinda hate I did it before his show in hindsight. You just know he started hyperventilating and started screaming. This is the canon that keeps me going.
I bet he was ready for it too, probably had some "where have you been the past 6 months" bullshit lined up, so if you had set the reveal for like 8:30, he might have pulled it up live on stream. At least the live reaction in the chat would have been glorious.

But you did what you had to do.


I bet he was ready for it too, probably had some "where have you been the past 6 months" bullshit lined up, so if you had set the reveal for like 8:30, he might have pulled it up live on stream. At least the live reaction in the chat would have been glorious.

But you did what you had to do.
I honestly believe he would of just killed the stream and we wouldn't of gotten anything out of it. I spared everyone the trauma of another NPS episode.


He took the whole thing sooo goddam seriously. That was good in a way because it was a decently produced podcast considering it was solely catering to a handful of mega autists but it also caused him to be such a sensitive baby boy about any little bit of criticism he received.

It seemed like he'd actually lost his mind towards the end when he was doxxing everyone's PMs and manufacturing weird WWE style feuds with people who'd been on the podcast that only he seemed to be in on. It's for the best that he left since he'd never have recovered from his complete faggotry, especially after Snake exposed his entire life.
This place is a fucking vortex. You just don’t escape lol. I can’t believe I’m still here. I honestly don’t remember the last time I even discussed the show. That’s a reference to Opie and Anthony, Dan. Sorry I just had to.