Danposting is the ultimate proof that Patrick S Tomlinson is a blithering retard



That this asshat didn’t reach out to Mr. Mullen just shows how badly infected this asshole’s brain is.

Tommy Tomlinson’s little boy is so convinced about his own superiority that he thinks the very hint that he has a complex to him.

Meanwhile or previously (idk or care I’m pretty day drunk hammered right now) the cow brain had reached out to fag face Patty (the HeterosexualIntellectual interview) only to be met with similar unladylike attitudes. ‘He was real cunty...’ Oh Joseph.

If Mama Raven’s somehow had less brains he’d have hit on this strategy even back on the reigning factional nature of the old subs but no. Mrs. Pennyeater’s little boy isn’t so insignificant that an entire subreddit didn’t supposedly deserve his unattended wrath.

tl;dr Patrick S Tomlinson is an unimaginative fag. Fin.


My favorite part of that whole thing wasn't even the reveal, it was this.



Dan is a hack and it can't be stated enough how much of a smug faggot he is. Oh you asked Patrick on your stupid podcast where you rehash the last eight forum posts and take credit for other peoples trolling and he said no? Color me shocked.
Does anyone recall when Dan had an autistic ragefit just because someone said they would go to Penguicon if not for the vaccine ID shit? It was such a benign, throw it a rib just because post, yet Dan went fucking nuts. "Oh, don't SAY what you WOULD do OK? That's not a bit. We're interested in what we're ACTUALLY doing here." As if shitposting on this forum is some super serious military operation.


For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!
Does anyone recall when Dan had an autistic ragefit just because someone said they would go to Penguicon if not for the vaccine ID shit? It was such a benign, throw it a rib just because post, yet Dan went fucking nuts. "Oh, don't SAY what you WOULD do OK? That's not a bit. We're interested in what we're ACTUALLY doing here." As if shitposting on this forum is some super serious military operation.

That was weird, that one. I even tried to get the American fan to go, as it wasn't far from him, but he refused to be around a bunch of pederast mouth breathers.

DanPosting is still going strong and he's not even here anymore. Where we at with JoePosting though?
