Danny, do you have any cool stories from the Uninformed Era?

Danny, did anyone on the staff smoke weed? Listening to old shows it gets brought up from time to time and everyone either seems to say they haven’t done it in a decade or was just like nahhh was never interested. I’ll admit I find it hard to believes that Ant never took a puff while he was drunk off his gourd at one of his parties.


"AnTi-swaTTing laws"
Danny, did anyone on the staff smoke weed? Listening to old shows it gets brought up from time to time and everyone either seems to say they haven’t done it in a decade or was just like nahhh was never interested. I’ll admit I find it hard to believes that Ant never took a puff while he was drunk off his gourd at one of his parties.
Stinky AKA Awesome Garrett definitely did. He got high with Seth Rogen one of the times he was in if memory serves.
Danny, did anyone on the staff smoke weed? Listening to old shows it gets brought up from time to time and everyone either seems to say they haven’t done it in a decade or was just like nahhh was never interested. I’ll admit I find it hard to believes that Ant never took a puff while he was drunk off his gourd at one of his parties.

Just Mars and I. There was one summer where Anthony smoked, but that was it. Did he say he never smoked or something?
He talked about his past use a bunch but I can’t recall anyone besides maybe Mars mentioning they smoked weed during their time on satellite. Opie would always just be like “ FAWWWWK I gotta start smoking the pot again.”

"The Girl In The Closet" was a big time smoker. She was BFFS with my chick at the time, and so the four of us would sit around and smoke. He dropped off. I still smoke on the daily.

Edit - Can you guys stop giving me Car Crash emojis? They make me really sad and hurt my feelings.

HH Brother

I wanna fuck you up the ass, funster.
Edit - Can you guys stop giving me Car Crash emojis?


They make me really sad and hurt my feelings.
We know, heebster. You’ve complained already they shred your womanly ego.