
HH Brother

I wanna fuck you up the ass, funster.
I have never said a bad word about Dan, where the fuck is my invite!

Now my heart is as badly crippled as my legs are.
Patience is a virtue, cripplester.

Until then, I'm looking into getting you a new chair.



Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
Did he apologize for every thing he did funny in his past or did he just decide to make music and move on without groveling like a faggot?
I think he just said i quit one day and hasn't even really commented on his past youtube content since then, which is a smart move on his part.

Anyone he associated with turned out to be massive faggots though, Ethan Klein & iddubz for example.

His music stinks.


Which way?! Medium or well done?
You got any other tips, bossman?
Im trying to learn the craft but can’t look like a johnny come lately in front of the real pros
like yourself

View attachment 135950
Not sure if you're being sarcastic, but a few things that will help a beginner:
  • Your first time or two, consider drinking a soda with it, unless you're a current ciggie smoker. The nicotine sometimes fucks people up and the sugar in a soda seems to keep beginners from getting sick. Dr. Pepper & Root Beer go oddly well with cigars and are usually the top non-alcohol picks.
  • When you cut the cigar, don't take too much off. You just want to snip the cap off. A lot of beginners cut a straight line and that is a mark of a noob. It also causes the cigar to overheat which will make it bitter.
  • Take a few puffs, enjoy and then chill. It's not like a cigarette where you're smoking it constantly until it burns out. It'll stay lit for probably 2 mins or so in between each puff. This will both keep you from getting sick and keep the cigar from overheating and building up a tar flavor.
  • Make sure to rotate it when you light it. If you just light it like a cigarette, it'll burn unevenly and get all fucked up. (You'll actually notice Dan's is fucked up in this manner--the one half of the ash is burned down and the other half isn't burning at close to the same rate.)
  • Don't buy any cigar above 10 bucks until you've smoked a fair amount. There are great premium handmade cigars under that price point.
  • Remember to have fun!!! 😊
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