Dan, please come back...all is forgiven. This place STINKS now

The Real Dan Mullen

Hickory dickory dock I sucked Flavia’s cock. Agooo
Save it for the podcast. Canada vs wherever Dutch people are from. Hey I’m from Boston i dont know no geography. My wife i call her mexican she says shes Brazilian. I say hey how bout you take off your brazilian and show me dem tits AAAHHggoosh!!


One of them just tried to make a quip my way using bam's schizophrenia.

Meanwhile Bam is way funnier, less schizo, more interesting, more normal, etc.

All the put together Dutch dudes are discussing Dutch shit like their soccer rivalries or whatever, not some obscure Xena the Warrior Princess tropes in their 30s. Yet Im the schizo one. Riiight. Gloves are off tah-night.

hold on hold on,
since they're taking their 10 minute smoke break from posting, let me respond for the clog boys in their usual fashion


see? it's like they're in the thread. he does these impersonations you'd thi-


They're pussies and boring af with arrested development. Im still only on 2nd gear, if I amp it up a notch they will all leave or disappear. This time there's no wavering or feeling sorry the next day. But I don't want them to go, just stop sucking ass. Tough one man.


It's hard to say whether Stinks is still alive or active. His YouTube is dead, and where he is active is as the kids say, SUS. :image_9253:

He retweeted a meme on the 8th, but he also previously tweeted some scammy looking sports betting shit, so he may be in the Twitter graveyard of accounts used to shill spam.


His Twitch has Destiny 2 scheduled, but I am pretty sure that is probably set and then automatically repeated each week, so who knows if he's actually streaming. This goes on for months ahead.


We'll need to reconvene next week on the 26th and see if this nigger is actually streaming so we can get his hot takes on the fat man from Milwaukee, the failed enterprise of NPS, and whether or not SNN will ever rise again. I hope he is streaming - we can turn his Destiny playtime into the new NPS, no matter if he likes it or not.


It's hard to say whether Stinks is still alive or active. His YouTube is dead, and where he is active is as the kids say, SUS. :image_9253:

He retweeted a meme on the 8th, but he also previously tweeted some scammy looking sports betting shit, so he may be in the Twitter graveyard of accounts used to shill spam.


His Twitch has Destiny 2 scheduled, but I am pretty sure that is probably set and then automatically repeated each week, so who knows if he's actually streaming. This goes on for months ahead.


We'll need to reconvene next week on the 26th and see if this nigger is actually streaming so we can get his hot takes on the fat man from Milwaukee, the failed enterprise of NPS, and whether or not SNN will ever rise again. I hope he is streaming - we can turn his Destiny playtime into the new NPS, no matter if he likes it or not.
Ok terrific!


Five Sink Gangster Cribs
It's hard to say whether Stinks is still alive or active. His YouTube is dead, and where he is active is as the kids say, SUS. :image_9253:

He retweeted a meme on the 8th, but he also previously tweeted some scammy looking sports betting shit, so he may be in the Twitter graveyard of accounts used to shill spam.


His Twitch has Destiny 2 scheduled, but I am pretty sure that is probably set and then automatically repeated each week, so who knows if he's actually streaming. This goes on for months ahead.


We'll need to reconvene next week on the 26th and see if this nigger is actually streaming so we can get his hot takes on the fat man from Milwaukee, the failed enterprise of NPS, and whether or not SNN will ever rise again. I hope he is streaming - we can turn his Destiny playtime into the new NPS, no matter if he likes it or not.
If Stinks does a Patcast, he'll have me as a regular listener. Probably better if the host wasn't a regular heroin user or easily doxed and is still of the same gender assigned at birth.