Dan, please come back...all is forgiven. This place STINKS now


yep yep yep yep yep
Christ, can you imagine what an insufferable asshole Pat would've been about Breaking Bad? Acting like he understood the chemistry and insinuating people are too stupid to understand the show.
i dont think he watch shit like that cause its "too real", all he consume is soy media


12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy

The Real Dan Mullen

Hickory dickory dock I sucked Flavia’s cock. Agooo
Hey, it’s me, Dan. I been mullen over coming back to the forums. I see that Tony is gone so my first order of business will be an emergency podcast. Someone here is dying of aids, so tune in Sunday if you want to know who. Also gonna have @RobertMewler on and she’s gonna do a Bob Ross thing but with swastikas. Then she’ll do a Martha Stewart segment where she shows is how to make a klan robes out of bounty paper towels and rubber bands. The last 30 minutes I’m hoping to get @covidcumia on to yell at @captain_kamala for being a minority and poor.


I will be your forum savior, Child. child.


12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy
Hey, it’s me, Dan. I been mullen over coming back to the forums. I see that Tony is gone so my first order of business will be an emergency podcast. Someone here is dying of aids, so tune in Sunday if you want to know who. Also gonna have @RobertMewler on and she’s gonna do a Bob Ross thing but with swastikas. Then she’ll do a Martha Stewart segment where she shows is how to make a klan robes out of bounty paper towels and rubber bands. The last 30 minutes I’m hoping to get @covidcumia on to yell at @captain_kamala for being a minority and poor.

View attachment 55031

I will be your forum savior, Child. child.



I want child to take those gloves off and pound those alliance cocksuckers into obscurity, enough of the passive aggressive needling
let's get this compound party started

I've had enough of the generic AI rupert pumkin/patrice/godfather gif responses in grammatically incorrect english as I'm 2 beer buzz scrolling.

that's it? that's your bit?


I want child to take those gloves off and pound those alliance cocksuckers into obscurity, enough of the passive aggressive needling
let's get this compound party started

I've had enough of the generic AI rupert pumkin/patrice/godfather gif responses in grammatically incorrect english as I'm 2 beer buzz scrolling.

that's it? that's your bit?
One of them just tried to make a quip my way using bam's schizophrenia.

Meanwhile Bam is way funnier, less schizo, more interesting, more normal, etc.

All the put together Dutch dudes are discussing Dutch shit like their soccer rivalries or kicking Migrant Tunisian knife-fighter ass or whatever. Not some obscure Xena the Warrior Princess tropes in their 30s. Yet Im the schizo one. Riiight. Gloves are off tah-night.