Dan Mullen fired from Insight Software. Lawsuit incoming...


Stand Alone Fruit
Yeah, thinking on it, until I see them gloating about it with a reply from insight saying dan no longer works there, until then I ain't believing it.
Dan has been going wrestling heavy with twitter references so he’s setting this up for a shitty payoff like when Vince was the “Higher Power”


I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
This was inevitable, I feel bad for him but he’s thrown away a seemingly lucrative career to live stream to 8 pedophiles on YouTube.

Very weird.
Your first mistake here is feeling bad for Dan. They had talked to him before about this and probably laid out that if he went over the line there would be problems. Good going Dan, you fucking imbecile . But at least now he's free to scream about FNs all day


The gunslinger.
Every company I’m aware of in my industry, which isn’t massively different to insight, is trying to cut budgets and make layoffs. I’ve seen a lot of dismissals the last year over pretty much nothing, they’re jumping on any excuse atm.

There’s a few departments who could still work from home, who are now being recalled full time , and I’ve explained to some of the homies privately the entire reason is to get them to quit without severance instead. They’re masterminding ways to stay at home, threatening to quit if they don’t - and refuse to accept that’s the entire goal.

Anyway, it’s an at will state and the heat he’s getting from these guys is a good excuse as any. Even if he’s great at his job, when cuts are needed it doesn’t matter.


12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy
So Patrick made up lies about Dan (Dan paid someone to throw a can of paint near my car!!!!) and then spammed these lies at Dan's employer until he lost his livelihood and career.

Piggy boy is about to learn what the meaning of "defamation" truly is. Hint: it's not saying your book sucks.