Dan is Pat's Doppelganger





The real embarrassing part is his pitiful attempt to appeal to the general YouTube audience with that Brendan schaub shit. You don't have to continue the podcast just to prove none of this has an effect on your life Dan
His subs are always on the rise...why shouldn't he try to expand his scope? Nah, he should just settle for OnA themed streams so the thankless/bitter Peanut Gallery here can seethe more? Nah he should continue his trajecotry and fuel himself with your hate.


Please report all Boq extreme posts, stay vigilant
His subs are always on the rise...why shouldn't he try to expand his scope? Nah, he should just settle for OnA themed streams so the thankless/bitter Peanut Gallery here can seethe more? Nah he should continue his trajecotry and fuel himself with your hate.
his subs are going up in the same way as the views and replies to pat's KF thread. people can't look away from a trainwreck.. everyone's waiting for the next ultrasimp by Dan.