Dan Dox = OK


Opie Simp
Let Mr. JM know that I didn’t hold onto it, YouTube just kept my subscription notification up. I posted it the instant I realized, I didn’t even watch the whole video first
View attachment 67293
I just checked mine, got a notification for that stream as well as one for a stream that Josiah apparently did three weeks ago. Both videos are down. If there is a next time then Josiah should err on the side of caution and delete everything immediately.


Well, according to Mr. Munoz on the secret felony forum: "The livestream took place around 11:30AM. Stream was cut once I realized it was the wrong account. There were only like 3 viewers one of whom was my mom. Wanted to keep it up but unlisted so friends/relatives in USA could watch the reveal. I kept a very close eye on the forums to see if anybody had posted about it. From the time the stream was cut until I went to bed after midnight I didn't see it anywhere, so I figured I was in the clear. It was unlisted the entire time so whoever posted it must have held on to the link until they knew I was alseep or sumptin. Either way idc, I agree the ending is funny."
Did Mr. Munoz elaborate on how he explained what was going on to the confused woman in the video?

Dog Eater

Apartheid is cool.
Did Mr. Munoz elaborate on how he explained what was going on to the confused woman in the video?
Well honey you see when I'm not impregnating you I spend my time harassing a fat faggot with bitch tits who lives in Milwaukee. I record him being a stupid cunt and then post these recordings to a forum full of degenerates who I wouldn't want in the same hemisphere as you.


Well, according to Mr. Munoz on the secret felony forum: "The livestream took place around 11:30AM. Stream was cut once I realized it was the wrong account. There were only like 3 viewers one of whom was my mom. Wanted to keep it up but unlisted so friends/relatives in USA could watch the reveal. I kept a very close eye on the forums to see if anybody had posted about it. From the time the stream was cut until I went to bed after midnight I didn't see it anywhere, so I figured I was in the clear. It was unlisted the entire time so whoever posted it must have held on to the link until they knew I was alseep or sumptin. Either way idc, I agree the ending is funny."
Mazel Tov!



he doesn't wear a beanie 24/7 so he's alright in my books.