Not sure its completely fine. But i've been called a libtard as i fall into the enlightened centrist position like the destroyer himself

(4.0 at geneseo in polisci 101) .
Its a right based on the 2nd amendment. There have been a bunch of supreme court precedent stating that rights apply to people "under the jurisdiction of the united states", not tied to citizenship. There's a reason for that. Tying it to citizenship makes it much easier to deny rights, by revoking or calling into question citizenship. this was the whole issue around guantanamo bay being outside of US soil so they could violate habeas corpus.
The example commonly given in supreme court decisions is the wording from the 14th amendment. "no state shall ... deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws". Person, not citizen.
Now , I think its stupid to be an originalist about the constitution. There should be some amount of wiggle room here for different interpretations of where this applies. My argument is mainly against any staunch 2nd amendment advocate like cumio screaming "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED " while shouting "where the fuck is my gun" and then tweeting this article as if it were a bad decision.
There's no real winning here. If a judge went against a massive amount of previous rulings you'd likely just complain about "ruling from the bench" so to speak. As a layman the jurisprudence seems accurate with previous decisions. Did you just read "obama judge" on fox news and not look more into it? Not that I blame you it is dumb, but blame the previous court decisions not this one.
Also what you're doing with "
“Actually this is completely fine and here’s why…"
is called , though you probably don't care about that but it looks stupid when you do it just fyi.