Cumia and Geno are live on youtube


Fat Frank is over on /r/tacn bragging that the Content House livestream hit their goal of 200k views.

At $3-5 per 1000 YouTube views that is $600 to $1000 of income :)

That doesn't even likely cover the house rental- nevermind flying all those people to FL for the weekend
Superchats donations they got quite a bit but I doubt it covered the cost of the stay at the house and travel expenses of 30 people
Nana seems quite smitten with this Geno cum stain. He obviously has a thing for effeminate bearded queers who love hearing themselves talk. Nana used to co-host a real radio show that regularly featured legitimate comics, now he wallows in the mire with F-list animals who literally roll around on the floors of sleazy strip mall dive bars. No wonder he drinks so much, if he ever sobered up he'd stick a loaded gun in his mouth and end his misery.

Salted Earth Truffle

Eric Hildeman poked my no-no hole when I was 5
Geno is a faggot and his girlfriend Marshall trying to lick up any scrap of e-fame he can get by being in the same gigantic circle of failures and shut-ins with AntH is even more pathetic. We’re gonna need a much bigger oven.