Could it be possible @chocolatehellhole is HOMELESS?



Literally the only things this low class coprophile posted to flex are:

$12 scuffed coconut flavor hookah tablets *and not the synthesizer collection which would have easily checkmated me


[URL unfurl="true"][/URL]

I mean post your hookah, lol, not the fuckin couch change charcoal cubes, lmfao.

EXHIBIT 2: a dirty, scuffed beer tank in a dingy, (asbestos ridden) factory mill

IMG_20230821_132345907 (1).jpg

I posted houses, cars, women...Brothermen the question I ask is: is this nigga homeless?
He posts the most impoverished/dirty items to
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I am a genius btw...was on the Dean List
First he begs for pictures of @ShutYourCakeHorn's cock, now he's back to wanting to see men "flex". None of what anyone posts here has any effect on his life, and this place also only comes to life when he wants it to.

And it's not coconut flavor you 68iq idiot, it's charcoal made from coconut. Nice knowledge of your own disgusting culture, retard.
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I am a genius btw...was on the Dean List
  1. Parkinson's
  2. Because of Parkinson's
  3. Could have something to do with him having Parkinson's.
I'm guessing poverty, trying to ration the inheritance his family left him because it's so meager. "this camera still gives the general gist of what's in front of me, why buy another one" - Boq, the jew who "flexes" yarmulkes on an O&A forum.