Compendium of lies repeated in Pat’s news segments

Honey Badger

My father has no penis
Just a running tally of things taken at face-value by both news segments that are easily disproven. Please feel free to add more and or give supporting evidence.

NBC news:

-SWATted 40 times: Pat is counting fire trucks and cards in his mailbox. Pat double-counted his parents getting swatted as his own swats

Bomb threats: None of which have been verified or directly affected Pat

-Fake voicemail: “learn a trade in prison” is pat verbiage read through a text reader. There’s probably a tweet or text to a funster that says exactly that sane phrase.

-“5th year of harassment”: Pat claims he was confronted by NRA members and swatted years before Norm-11

Inside Edition:

-Death threat email: no proof from Pat other than a screenshot of an email he probably wrote

-Another fake voicemail: no attempt to be funny, just threatening Pat and Lynne

-stalked on business trips: Two unemployed people on a business trip….in Munich. Fuck off.

-400,000 posts JUST about Pat: Totally neglecting the numerous threads about Paul Weimar, Hildy, Jackie, Schill, Scalzi, etc

-“stlaker’s website:” Quasi runs a forum dedicated to Opie and Anthony. It’s in the title gosh darn it



John Wayne Gacy

Patrick's real father
Just a running tally of things taken at face-value by both news segments that are easily disproven. Please feel free to add more and or give supporting evidence.

NBC news:

-SWATted 40 times: Pat is counting fire trucks and cards in his mailbox. Pat double-counted his parents getting swatted as his own swats

Bomb threats: None of which have been verified or directly affected Pat

-Fake voicemail: “learn a trade in prison” is pat verbiage read through a text reader. There’s probably a tweet or text to a funster that says exactly that sane phrase.

-“5th year of harassment”: Pat claims he was confronted by NRA members and swatted years before Norm-11

Inside Edition:

-Death threat email: no proof from Pat other than a screenshot of an email he probably wrote

-Another fake voicemail: no attempt to be funny, just threatening Pat and Lynne

-stalked on business trips: Two unemployed people on a business trip….in Munich. Fuck off.

-400,000 posts JUST about Pat: Totally neglecting the numerous threads about Paul Weimar, Hildy, Jackie, Schill, Scalzi, etc

-“stlaker’s website:” Quasi runs a forum dedicated to Opie and Anthony. It’s in the title gosh darn it


View attachment 132374
I know I'm stating the obvious, but goddamn those are some nice tits


While not a lie, but blatant oversight not reported, the only reason this happens to him is because he continues to engage.

I don’t know who is ‘SWATTING’ him, and I do think there’s a very good chance it’s himself. He’s broke as fuck, has no marketable talents or any work ethic. He needs this to either get some handout, whether it be from the city of Milwaukee or GoFundMe. But it pisses me off watching the Inside Edition Episode making it sound like this is all random. You are a cunt to everyone online. Your swatting could be from kiwifarms, Twitter, the Dark Web, literally anywhere people would take note of this jowly looking arrogant faggot.

Salted Earth Truffle

Eric Hildeman poked my no-no hole when I was 5
  • He claims he’s invested a large sum in “high-tech security cameras” yet has no footage of almost anything he claims — for example:
    • that a certain cop “almost broke down” their door — no footage of this exists
    • that they’ve had “at least a dozen officers and tactical squad” with “assault rifles, pistols, AR-15s and shotguns pointed at [their] faces” — no footage of this exists
  • To me the most egregious lie is that he was targeted “at random” and only for the past five years. In truth, Pat has always courted violence online and attempted to bring it to his home turf. There are multiple screenshots of him boasting of all the death threats he’d been receiving (from “fascists”), daring people to come over and fight him, etc. going way back before Norm/11. If anyone could please share any you have, I’d like to make sure my collection is complete.
    • No mention of Pat and his pals’ ongoing abuse of Leslie Varney on Twitter, including explicit threats to her livelihood and safety. It’s almost as if neither Jacob Ward nor the Inside Edition bint bothered doing the most cursory research or reporting for their bogus stories.
  • Failure to disclose that Pat tried to get a restraining order against BDA and was rejected to his face by the judge, who told him he had actively pursued a violent encounter with BDA by daring him to come to his favorite bar.
  • They play a clip of a supposed “hate voicemail” Pat claims he got. It’s literally him with a voice filter. Same exact tone, cadence, everything. But the most damning point is that his voicemail box has been full for five years as verified by Pat’s text buddies.
  • OnA family recently in Germany on vacation recreated Pat‘s Dachau honeymoon photos taken eight years ago. On the show they claimed this is proof they’re being “stalked on business trips.” They deliberately misled journalists to believe a completely fabricated version of events:

  • Claims they owe over $50,000 “to the people attacking [them]” (NBC News version of the story) and/or “the stlaker” — yet the truth is he owes $54,000 to a John Doe against whom he filed a frivolous lawsuit. Pat has offered zero evidence that John Doe is “stalking” him or indeed has ever had direct contact with him.
  • Failure to disclose that they owe $54,000 to John Doe because a judge ordered them to do so, as a direct result of Pat filing a frivolous lawsuit against a total stranger who has never even been questioned by police, let alone charged or convicted of any wrongdoing.
  • Claims that OnA users have previously sent SWAT teams to homes of unnamed others — another complete fucking lie:
  • Says frequently on Twitter that they usually just get a note from the cops, yet told reporters a totally different story:
  • Claims that they live in fear for their lives on a daily basis, yet frequently announce upcoming trips and exact location data on Twitter and Facebook.
  • Failure to disclose Pat’s criminal conviction for making terroristic murder threats against a mother and her unborn child — a mother who was, at the time, his wife. Neither Jacob Ward nor the Inside Edition dingbat bothered to do a basic criminal background search on Pat to verify his claims of being a law-abiding, nonviolent person who was “randomly targeted” for being teased online.
  • Failure to disclose that Pat’s criminal conviction also pertained to terroristic murder threats against a man his wife later married — a man whose grave Pat gleefully tweeted he intended to “shit on” and who Pat insults online to this day. Coincidentally, that man died a very premature death and there are rumors he was hounded to his grave by a vindictive Pat Tomlinson.
  • Failure to disclose Pat’s possession of full names and contact details for multiple people he claims are his “stalkers” — people who remain free to this day because Pat has no evidence that they’ve done anything he claims.
There’s so much more but I’m getting pissed off just thinking about what shameless liars Pat Tomlinson and Niki Robinson are. I’m comforted by the knowledge that they’re both going to burn in hell for it and, in the meantime, have to go through life as themselves: two unapologetically dishonest pieces of shit who will do anything for attention except get a fucking job.

This motherfucker is lying about everything and the good news is Pat is not remotely smart enough to keep getting away with it. I hope he feels agonizing physical and psychic pain 24/7 until he gives John Doe the $54,000 Pat owes him and has been court-ordered by a judge to pay.

Now what did I miss? It’s time to get that wiki set up.
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Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
Bomb threats: None of which have been verified or directly affected Pat

One of them was actively disproved when SpaceEdge called the receptionist at the hotel. She was there all weekend and said there was no bomb threat. Pig also deleted his tweet about it immediately but someone screenshotted it.

I'm almost certain pig was behind both the bomb threats and several, if not all the swattings. He's fucking nuts and proven he's happy to falsify evidence, including in a courtroom. He thinks the ends (of us all being in prison) justify the means, so he'll happily vandalize his own property, doctor texts, leave himself fake voicemails etc. Why would he just stop at that and not also do bomb threats and swattings if he thought it was gonna lead to his staIkers going to prison.

Tagine Enthusiast

Gifted by Lynne!
To me the most egregious lie is that he was targeted “at random” and only for the past five years. In truth, Pat has always courted violence online and attempted to bring it to his home turf. There are multiple screenshots of him boasting of all the death threats he’d been receiving (from “fascists”), daring people to come over and fight him, etc. going way back before Norm/11. If anyone could please share any you have, I’d like to make sure my collection is complete.