

Still spreading the O&A virus
I dont think I’ll ever do it again because I dont trust whats in it
Fentanyl laced coke is so prevalent that you can buy purity testing kits online and locally at lots of places now. You would be insane to do coke at a party. Those kids from West Point did mouth-to-mouth on someone who was overdosing and started to pass out from a contact high.


Shock Jock
Fentanyl laced coke is so prevalent that you can buy purity testing kits online and locally at lots of places now. You would be insane to do coke at a party. Those kids from West Point did mouth-to-mouth on someone who was overdosing and started to pass out from a contact high.
Last time I did it was at a college party 5-6 years ago. At that point I hadnt heard of fent, I dont think it became a big story until a couple years later


Great food
I did it a couple times when I was younger but it was never my favorite drug or anything. I copied this from someplace, may have been the old board for all I know, I don't remember but it was a great explanation:

"At first it's magical. You feel fucking fantastic, you're cool and interesting and sexy and hilarious and you feel like you can do anything. You're having awesome conversations with your friends, hitting on girls and fucking like a big sweaty jackrabbit.

Then you need a little more every time and you start getting all greedy and secretive about it. Soon you're getting extra to do by yourself after everyone else goes home. Then you start getting more extra to do before you go out, then you eliminate the going out entirely and just make doing coke the whole point. Soon you're doing another line every ten minutes, then five. Then you become a paranoid lunatic, taking fifteen minutes to softly tiptoe to the bathroom where you piss into a Gatorade bottle to avoid making any sounds and you're spending hours peering through the blinds at whoever might be out there watching you. You think nothing of withdrawing your last $300 to go buy five more grams at 4:30 on a Wednesday morning and you start telling increasingly elaborate and retarded lies to excuse away your absences during your binges even though everyone who knows you already knows you're a no-good coke fiend."
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Coke is fun at first, but then you're just a paranoid weirdo taking 45 minutes to tiptoe across the room to take a piss, then spending hours tugging on your cold shriveled dick. Plus there's all kinds of weird shit in it now, too.
Never did coke and what you said is what I hear everyone say about it, so I can't believe that people get addicted to it especially when you don't even get physical withdrawals from it.

Smeckler's Powder

Sweet powder eases the pain
Anyone ever chewed on coca leaves? I want to get a greenhouse full of that shit, never had any.

I know it's tough for some of you folksh but get your blow from Mexicans...they ain't cutting that shit up, at least not with fentanyl.

Now's not the time but I look forward to being able to rationalize a two day bender every two months.


Coke is fun at first, but then you're just a paranoid weirdo taking 45 minutes to tiptoe across the room to take a piss, then spending hours tugging on your cold shriveled dick. Plus there's all kinds of weird shit in it now, too.
Your descriptions are fucking hilarious dude. You talking about Nana mincing around fully de-ribbed me.