Clips from the Beavis and Butthead reboot


Formerly know as Fat Abbot
What are you talking about? Half the movie was about Beavis becoming sensitive and falling in love.

They did do an extended rap video parody about nachos, but I see your point. I guess I just don't share the opinion that anything better than a legacy destroying meltdown justifies another trip to the IP trough. What really was the point of the movie? There's 8 excellent seasons of the show and a really good movie adaptation to boot. Does this "content era" version really hold up? Isn't that "it's fun to see what the characters are up to" kind of thinking for Reddit?

Even this new reboot feels forced based on that clip. They're watching TikTok on TV? Logistically it doesn't make sense and who really wants app content bleeding into scripted entertainment -- at least a music video doesn't loop every ten seconds. They're mocking rednecks instead of finding a degenerate ex-convict cool?

It all just feels off to me.
Chrome cast and Roku exist
you slippery fuck

name something thats come out in this faggot time and age that entertains you

i’ll wait
You seem like a nice, reasonable guy, so I'll indulge.

I really liked Uncut Gems. I thought the Apollo 11 documentary was great. I'm totally gay for Paddington. I thought Beach Bum and 1917 were imperfect but I respect what they were trying to do.

However if your unspoken hypothesis is that I'm some sort of smarmy, Criterion dickhead -- you'd be right on the money.

Also, does music count? I like way more modern music than film.

not that Jack Horner

If you saw me IRL you very likely wouldn't look me
You seem like a nice, reasonable guy, so I'll indulge.

I really liked Uncut Gems. I thought the Apollo 11 documentary was great. I'm totally gay for Paddington. I thought Beach Bum and 1917 were imperfect but I respect what they were trying to do.

However if your unspoken hypothesis is that I'm some sort of smarmy, Criterion dickhead -- you'd be right on the money.

Also, does music count? I like way more modern music than film.

Beach Bum was great

Your critique on the beavis and butthead movie makes no sense

also, it’s beavis and butthead, the stupidity of the character development is the new pay off

it works for me, but yeah it’s being made by a dude 30 years removed

like i said, your shits fucked, and god will judge you for it, but until then I’ll do him a solid and judge you here

i do think mike judge has a near spotless track record, he has surpassed the South Park guys on some level

not that Jack Horner

If you saw me IRL you very likely wouldn't look me
Fun fact: Mike Judge was the voice of Kenny when he has his hood off in the South Park movie.

There, that should be a conversation killer.

I knew this, thanks for wasting my time

Fun fact, Mike Judge got the rights back from MTV for Beavis and Butthead because during litigation it was discovered MTV’s contract was illegal and “slave like”

Mike Judge used this experience for the season 2 finale of Silicon valley


Say “Cookie”

ShutYourCakehorn/gassers Alt
i do think mike judge has a near spotless track record, he has surpassed the South Park guys on some level

The South Park guys made Streaming Wars part 1 and 2. They are lazy, unfunny and boring. Their whole running joke through both parts is an Italian guy named PiPi who owns a water park and is obsessed with urine & saying his name over and over.

Mike Judge surpassed them on all levels.


Shane Noakes' rabbi raped his 9 year old dick off.


New Beavis and Butthead was really good. I can count the low points on 1 hand and remember them vividly - When Beavis says "Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes!!!" was clearly meant as bait for redditors to use it as a reaction .GIF forever. Then the part where he says "it's like the show really found itself, glad we stuck with it." Those 2 parts were gay as fuck and very out of character for Beavus to talk like a redditor, but they are really my only complains aside from the female astronaut looking like an ugly jewish dyke ilana glazer


It's not REALLY Ray Wilson
You seem like a nice, reasonable guy, so I'll indulge.

I really liked Uncut Gems. I thought the Apollo 11 documentary was great. I'm totally gay for Paddington.
I fucking love Paddington. Grew up watching the old stop motion reruns on Nickelodeon, and my mom tracking down the books for me (which were surprisingly difficult to come by in the early 80s). Loved the 2 movies.

Also, I wonder if we can convince Mike Judge to have Beavis and Butthead troll Compound Media / The Anthony Cumia Show.