Clerks III Trailer


Stand Alone Fruit
You know Rosario Dawson is pissed Zoe Saldaña became the mixed race Latina A-Lister instead of her. One is in Marvel and Avatar and Star Trek, the other has to do a direct to streaming stoner comedy.
Rosario Dawson was “dating” NJ Senator Corey Booker which a lot of people thought was a bit off since it’s pretty obvious he’s in the closet like Lindsey Graham but nobody is allowed to say it. Then Dawson panicked because she wasn’t getting roles and claimed to either a lesbian or bi-sexual for diversity points (lost a role to a LGBTQ person) and the whole Corey Booker situation was never addressed and quietly went away.


Stand Alone Fruit
kevin smith hasnt made anything good in two decades
He really got lucky and just hit at the right time with the right connections in the early 90s. New “out of nowhere” guys were writing and directing hits and studios were lining up to find the next big thing. It’s the reason why the Boondock Saints movie was made, that writer / director Troy Duffy was literally famous overnight from the script and they thought they had the next Tarantino so they let him do whatever he wanted. That era is long gone and while some were able to keep it going, Kevin Smith really never made it past Clerks. Everything after it wasn’t as good and only got worse.


Smith’s faggy face in the background on the poster makes me physically angry.


Smeckler's Powder

Sweet powder eases the pain
Little story. The health teacher looks just like her but with a really fat ass. One of the most naturally beautiful women I've seen. During night school I would take Ambien and look at her ass. One time I took two ambiens and thought if I told her there was something wrong with my dick she'd ask to see it then she might touch it.

So it's like halfway through the 3 hour class and I'm tripping balls. I raise my hand ask to talk to her outside. I lean up against the locker like fonzy and tell her I'm worried about my dick. That I need a professional opinion on weather I should see a doctor or not (lol I was horny and on Ambien) she brought up that she knew my girlfriend and how she was going to tell her to look at it for me. I immediately told her I was going to schedule a doctor's appointment.

Awesome, totally awesome!
He really got lucky and just hit at the right time with the right connections in the early 90s. New “out of nowhere” guys were writing and directing hits and studios were lining up to find the next big thing. It’s the reason why the Boondock Saints movie was made, that writer / director Troy Duffy was literally famous overnight from the script and they thought they had the next Tarantino so they let him do whatever he wanted. That era is long gone and while some were able to keep it going, Kevin Smith really never made it past Clerks. Everything after it wasn’t as good and only got worse.

I used to nerd out on all the DVD extras & commentary tracks, all that shit... Mallrats & Dogma were my favorite Kevin Smith movies, but watching the deleted scenes made me realize Smith was kind of a hack & those movies only got made because he had a good turd polishing editor. The original cut of Mallrats was almost a different movie, I think his original cut of Dogma was 3 or 4 hours.


Give Me Some Money
You know Rosario Dawson is pissed Zoe Saldaña became the mixed race Latina A-Lister instead of her. One is in Marvel and Avatar and Star Trek, the other has to do a direct to streaming stoner comedy.
Dawson was part of the Netflix Marvel shows which shit on the movies and she's currently a big part of Star Wars.


Formerly know as Fat Abbot
I'll probably catch it one of the two nights it's in theaters. I'm not giving Smith any money for his tour dates though. Not paying $50 to watch a movie and then hear Kevin go "dude weed lmao" for an hour after