Clerks III Trailer


Formerly know as Fat Abbot
I had a history teacher that was the same, bitch wouldn’t give me the time of day.

And yeah this is gonna suck isn’t it ?
Probably. Big red flag is Lionsgate isn't even giving it a traditional release. It's going to be in theaters for two nights only. Even Clerks 2 got a wide theatrical release and was a box office success
I had a history teacher that was the same, bitch wouldn’t give me the time of day.

And yeah this is gonna suck isn’t it ?
The jokes seem really meta which is lazy. Ill watch it because of nostalgia. Seen the second one in theatres and got my cock sucked for the first time not too long after so I got a lot invested in it

Little story. The health teacher looks just like her but with a really fat ass. One of the most naturally beautiful women I've seen. During night school I would take Ambien and look at her ass. One time I took two ambiens and thought if I told her there was something wrong with my dick she'd ask to see it then she might touch it.

So it's like halfway through the 3 hour class and I'm tripping balls. I raise my hand ask to talk to her outside. I lean up against the locker like fonzy and tell her I'm worried about my dick. That I need a professional opinion on weather I should see a doctor or not (lol I was horny and on Ambien) she brought up that she knew my girlfriend and how she was going to tell her to look at it for me. I immediately told her I was going to schedule a doctor's appointment.


Stand Alone Fruit
Probably. Big red flag is Lionsgate isn't even giving it a traditional release. It's going to be in theaters for two nights only. Even Clerks 2 got a wide theatrical release and was a box office success
I think they’re doing what the did for the Jay Silent Bob Reboot where they play the movie at small theater / music venues across the country and Kevin and some of the cast come out at the end for a stories and Q&A type thing. It’s like the movie goes on tour and then they can pump up the box office number because tickets for that kind of event can be like 35-45 bucks (or more) so it’s seen as a success. Especially with a movie like this, the audience for Kevin’s stuff will go see the “Clerks 3 tour”


Formerly know as Fat Abbot
I think they’re doing what the did for the Jay Silent Bob Reboot where they play the movie at small theater / music venues across the country and Kevin and some of the cast come out at the end for a stories and Q&A type thing. It’s like the movie goes on tour and then they can pump up the box office number because tickets for that kind of event can be like 35-45 bucks (or more) so it’s seen as a success. Especially with a movie like this, the audience for Kevin’s stuff will go see the “Clerks 3 tour”
Yeah he's going on tour for it as well, but otherwise it's only going to be in theaters for two nights. He did the same thing for the new Jay and Silent Bob


Stand Alone Fruit
Yeah he's going on tour for it as well, but otherwise it's only going to be in theaters for two nights. He did the same thing for the new Jay and Silent Bob
Yeah they know this won’t make money in theaters so the tour is probably the only way they can even get the studio to green light it then sell it Amazon Prime. I remember Kevin Smith kept talking about a Mallrats 2 that I guess isn’t happening - one minute it was a movie, then it would be a series - etc, I think they even had a location in PA for the mall.


Formerly know as Fat Abbot
Yeah they know this won’t make money in theaters so the tour is probably the only way they can even get the studio to green light it then sell it Amazon Prime. I remember Kevin Smith kept talking about a Mallrats 2 that I guess isn’t happening - one minute it was a movie, then it would be a series - etc, I think they even had a location in PA for the mall.
If the budget is low I could see it making some profit in a moderate release. Clerks 2 was made for $5 million ans grossed 25 million at the box office so it certainly made some profit. Clerks has enough of a following the fans will come out to see it and turn a profit if they keep the budget at that level. Anything more than yeah I can see why they did this


Stand Alone Fruit
If the budget is low I could see it making some profit in a moderate release. Clerks 2 was made for $5 million ans grossed 25 million at the box office so it certainly made some profit. Clerks has enough of a following the fans will come out to see it and turn a profit if they keep the budget at that level. Anything more than yeah I can see why they did this
That’s true Clerks 2 made money but that was 2006/2007 box office. Now they would just put this on a streaming service - even if its made with a small budget and has a following. Now more than ever they won’t put a movie in theaters unless it can make big money, they rarely take risks anymore so they stick with safe bets. Sometimes you get a sleeper hit (I think the last big sleeper was Get Out which they even put in Jan which is the month they dump movies they know won’t do well. They hope the cold winter month will make people go to a movie just since it’s “something to do”) but now they won’t even risk it.
I hate his AIDS face so much.
