Christopher Hitchens DESTROYS pathetic incels and their delusional beliefs



While you raise some valid points it's worth remembering that Hitchens embraced his Jewish roots (and religion) when he found out about them. His "anti-theism" was exposed as hypocrisy by his own words and actions.

Like many others I went through a Christopher Hitchens is brilliant phase about 15 years ago. I do remember feeling sorry for him after reading his memoir Hitch -22. In it he details his first love, his schoolmate Michael with whom he had a passionate sexual and romantic relationship. Decades later he still wrote about him wistfully and with deep affection. The only woman he described in equally glowing terms was his mother. Romantic dalliances with women (including both of his wives) are covered matter-of-factly and with little interest. His lifestyle and demise made a lot more sense when you realise he was something of a tragic figure, a deeply repressed homosexual whose self-loathing drove him to drink and smoke himself into an early grave. Sad.

Wait, really? Because you know Lawrence Krauss (think Jewish Richard Dawkins, only way more intelligent -- a physicist who knows his stuff)? In so many of his speeches he would smugly throw in anti-Christian/anti-religion stuff. But I just watched his interview with Jordan Peterson, and at the end he says he sees the value in being Jewish. Fucking hell lol.


Godless men are usually passionless men. They forsake a higher power which inturn prevents them from reaching for a higher meaning or achieving lofty goals. They reject judgment, so they can be free to enslave themselves to instant gratification and dopamine dumps.

They reject God and a soul to spend their days watching porn and Japanese cartoons. To worship marvel heros, and to collect funko pops.
All free of judgment and responsibility.

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
Yes, say what you want about Hitchens but he was exceptionally articulate, could effortlessly turn on the charm and, yes, had a sense of humour. He even had an OK stand-up set.

And it will always be funny how much this pissed off the cunts. You can see he knows he's trolling with aplomb.

Don’t forget he hated the Clinton’s as well.
