Chelsea Football Club have sacked Opie. Lotta fawwkin' problems at that club. *sniff*

Jim Norton’s Wife's Cock

Those breeches will stay open!

Rumours are he recorded one of the scouts taking a shit.

Jim Norton’s Wife's Cock

Those breeches will stay open!
I'm an Arsenal but what were they thinking on spending that much for Mudryk. Good thing Chelsea came and took him instead.
He had a good season with Shaktar and had a good showing in the CL. So there was a lot of hype about him, i think Arsenal were willing to pay £70 for him lol.. but obviously Shaktar wanted to get every penny they could and Chelsea/Todd Boehly are retards and agreed to outspent Arsenal. He's got like a 7 year contract with Chelsea too, along with another 4-5 young players brought in this January. That's how Chelsea got away with paying so much, they are spreading the money out over 7+ years.. it's sneaky but can backfire if the players end up being duds, your left with someone on a long contract and high wages lol.

He might end up being alright once he settles in, but he isn't worth £89.. especially since he hasn't played at a high level, Arsenal really dodged a bullet and ended up with a much better PL proven player for a fraction of the price.

Jim Norton’s Wife's Cock

Those breeches will stay open!
Keep in mind the British government forcibly confiscated Roman Abramovich's (Russian oligarch) holdings in the club.

Basically they stole a russian billionaires money...thug shit (but the English FA then masquerade as fedora-tipping gentry)
Abramovich is a jew, but Chelsea fans say he was a good owner who cared about the club. I remember the media was screeching about him because he was involved in steel production in Russia or something like that, and they said the steel was being used to create weapons and keep the Russian war effort going. It's ironic really as there are a few clubs in the PL owned by Arab oil barons including MBS who apparently orchestrated the Khashoggi assassination. There was like 2 weeks of screeching about that and then it stopped.

Russia really is the NPC's bogeyman right now lol.
It's always funny when Americans come in and completely misunderstand how to run a football club. They have spent insane amounts of money, tied players down to contracts that just won't work in football, and still need a new stadium that'll cost 2 billion and within 6 months of all of this are mid table also rans


don't call me scarface
How can you even enjoy top flight football? We're relatively heading there* but the English league is a fucking joke lol
"Cmon random frenchnigger who's going to be here for a season, play like you mean it!"
*3-4 jap starters
How can you even enjoy top flight football? We're relatively heading there* but the English league is a fucking joke lol
"Cmon random frenchnigger who's going to be here for a season, play like you mean it!"
*3-4 jap starters
That's what international football is for. I know Americans can't find many other countries who want to play their local sports though.

Most sides will have a handful of players who came through the youth system but even they may not really truly be locals who grew up supporting the side when that does happen that player is loved forever