CF car crashing everyone is very hurtful


What would you do for a Klondike bar?
British mental health services have been awful since Thatcher. Like Reagan she privatised and gutted them. They used to just lock nuts up never to be seen again. Now they let them wander the streets and work telemarketing jobs.
It was fucking Geraldo Rivera who wrecked that system, of all people. Back when he was trying to be a serious journalist he did an exposé of a particularly shitty American nut hutch called "Willowbrook". Rather than just clean the place up and run it according to decent standards, conservatives on both sides of the pond decided to save money and shut 'em all down, and replace them with something called "care in the community" - i.e. nothing - and now we all get to be unpaid psychiatric nurses.

Uncle Floyd

“Too many goddamn scuddleheads.”
Same. I feel like a fag for blocking someone here of all places but I don’t want to have some annoying obese burden’s cock and sweating asshole shoved in my face.

I think CF flirted with actually being liked here for a while when Dan was taking himself too seriously and everyone turned on him but then decided it was more fun to force gay obese porn on us all instead, which ultimately you have to respect.
If it wasn't THE SAME gay porn, I might be fine with it. Give me some variety, CF. Posting the same Niko pic ain't hitting like it used to.