Casting call: Eurofags who want to be on the podcast on March 27th


"He's ducking through the alleys!"
Ok, you're in.

We got any Vatican City niggas here?

"Patrick looks like he's not playing with a full deck. If so may God be with him, no BS."


Five Sink Gangster Cribs
Eurofags have the metric system. They don't know what the fuck 3/27 is.
It equals 1/9. Maybe it reminds some Patposters about the (bottom) "9th percentile" of timed finishes at the Milwaukee Marathon that Fatrick clocked in even with cutting the course twice.


I’m a Eurofag who currently lives in South America. It seems like you’ve got enough people for this one but if there’s ever a South American based podcast I’d lend a hand.


Formerly know as Fat Abbot
Judging by the last stream, I'm guessing you tend to start at 7 PM EST. Keep in mind that's 12 AM for Brits, 1-2 AM for continentals and anything from that till noon for all the Siberian pests spreading the fawking virus.
Might have to be an afternoon show for the states


Parody account. Relax, ya twink
UK got too big for the show and left the Eurofags. Maybe give them their own podcast episode where they can talk fish n chips.