Carb-loading for da half-marathons!


For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!
You know, I've gone a lot more plant based these last few months (I still eat meat, you need the iron source and it's easy protein, I don't care what anyone says), but one thing I still hold to from the keto days is this: breads, and almost every pasta, is bloody worthless.

I don't eat heavy carbs before a long set, know why Pat? Insulin spikes and the crash after. You want protein, hydration, and good calories if you're expending energy, with PROPER carbs to go along with it. White bread and cheap pastas are not good carbohydrates.

Stupid. Stubborn. Fat, too.


Stupid fat cunt writes the jokes for us


Give Me Some Money


I used to fuck over a whole pack of pasta before a bodybuilding workout. A marathon though? Are ya fuckin kidding me.
At Patrick's weight, he should be exercising on an empty stomach about 20 minutes after waking up. Stretch for 10 minutes. 10 minutes of cardio to warm up-- circuit train for 50 minutes and 10 minutes of light cardio to cool down.

And after workout- around 15 minutes to 30 minutes, a nice protein shake. If he did that just 3 times a week he would notice a difference in a month or so. If he he did it 5x a week (and just did cardio on the 2 "off days"), by Thanksgiving, we wouldn't be able to call him fat--- especially if he cut the alcohol down to once a week and avoided bar slop. He has plenty of time (and apparently money) to shop for groceries and to cook/prepare meals.