Can we all agree Dan Mullen is as much as a sociopath as Patrick?


For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!
Honestly it isn't even that. If he came in and made himself the face of this while knowing any references from da show I think people would be more in wit da bit. He came into this ting and started coining descriptors and trying to branch out without even knowing anything about DA SHOWW! What's a funster??

In reality he's a man with a screw loose who wants to be the face of O and A pests without understanding that may get him fired (if he really got fired).

So that's it? That's his bit?

This is a reference to your power trip on your stupid podcast called Nice Podcast, Stupid, Dan.

You five-sinked fuck.

Chive Turkey

Erock Army Deserter
You got no fuckin IDEA what it takes to climb the ladder in the world of equity compensation or whatever the fuck it is Dan does
Did, stlaker. Dan awaits the breadline now.

There's going to come a point where Dan will be a lolcow himself.
Yeah, it'd be a shame if he ruined that stellar image he's had for the last couple of years.


Stand Alone Fruit
Dan's put in work on the Fat Rick hate.

Making sissy Patrick demand an escort out of the courtroom like the bitchmade faggot he is - for that alone Dan should be a made guy.
Also that he made the pig scream like a retard and demand the police ARREST THAT MAN!!! Like that’s how things work was great. Pat saw that in movies and thought police arrest whoever you tell them to. I bet that’s in his lawsuit - failure to arrest Dan after he demanded they do as he commands.
He's given us a lot of funny documents, got Pat to look like an idiot in court, and made him waste a day trying to file a restraining order. However, he's associated with some odd people (Elaine Miller, etc) and I can't imagine doing what he does under my real name.

He's smart enough to pull back when things get bad so I'll say no. Dan if you're reading this, any gift card amount is fine, I'm not greedy
I don't remember his forum antics other than inviting an international criminal on the boards
That was pretty dumb
Dan set everything up so we could ensnare and unmask Torswats, but Quaso got cold feet and tried to blame others for his incompetence and irrational fear. i don't blame him, neither does The Dan Man, but it wasn't a good look for the forums.

Faggot Boqposter

The Alawite Assassin
Dan’s a guy who just wants to be one of the boys so badly he’ll put his career in jeopardy to do so. He was a frat boy and frat faggots only come in two flavors: beta weirdos who desperately want to belong and alpha weirdos who want to get the beta weirdos to do fucked up shit and worship them.

Just as Dan was probably eating dog shit and walking through the quad naked to please “six pack” and “clam crusader” in college, he was doxing himself and starting his podcast to please “space edge” and “Josiah Muñoz”

Turry Fawks

Good evening cowards
Always been a fan of the dan-ster. Not sure what his endgame is, but never understood why people on here attack him.



Fat bitch with faggot tits
It's a bit fervent, his focus, isn't it?

It does seem like the lad lacks a personal life. Or friends. Maybe even the touch of a woman.

I guess my question is what's his endgame, and how does he benefit from it?

There's going to come a point where Dan will be a lolcow himself.
Dan strikes me as the kind of guy who spent his whole adult life thinking colleagues were just as good as friends. Now he's the wrong side of 40 with no kids, a big pointless show home for just him and the foreign wife he can barely communicate with and zero interests or hobbies beyond equity compensation. Now he just desperately wants some guys to hang out and talk sports with but he struggles to keep friends because he's an uninteresting try hard so he has to settle for livestreams with boomia.