Can Robert Rodriguez make a movie as good as Desperado?


★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Desperado is as good an action movie anyone could have made in the 90s, and it took until Kill Bill before his best friend Tarantino could make a better exploitation film. Tarantino got better as he went on, but Rodriguez got stuck making green screen shit. What happened?



His best movie imo.
Arguably Clooney's too. I tried watching some of the FDTD series on Netflix but tapped out after a couple of episodes. There was a faggy subplot about some snake cult but the main thing that took me out of it was the guy playing Seth Gecko. He looked a bit like Clooney and was doing an impression of him but he was a shitty actor. George seems to be something of an elitist cunt irl but he was amazing in that movie.


Holding hands in a circle of N-words
Desperado is as good an action movie anyone could have made in the 90s, and it took until Kill Bill before his best friend Tarantino could make a better exploitation film. Tarantino got better as he went on, but Rodriguez got stuck making green screen shit. What happened?

Rose McGowan gave him the herp in minecraft.