Can anyone recommend some Good books on geopolitics

Black Pat

Whacky nigster

Canadian Admiral wrote it...good foundation to get you to understand the geopolitical landscape. Why WWI was needed (to pull rug under the Russian Czars and other monarchies and use their setup as a zombie to launch communism/fascism). He claims WW3 was scheduled for the 1960s, but the other players wisened up...


It's not "a take," you're just in denial.

@Faggot Boqposter is in my Boq chat right now with CHH and we're discussing locking you in your own forum like Wyz.

Nobody likes you. You're not selling anyone ideas.
You're our plaything.
Was it part of the plan to sell @Faggot Boqposter out like that...or is the adderall fucking with your impulse?

Even if true, I dont mind the dynamic Faggot and I have developed.

If I get quarantined, I win. You are killing this place btw.


Was it part of the plan to sell @Faggot Boqposter out like that...or is the adderall fucking with your impulse?

Even if true, I dont mind the dynamic Faggot and I have developed.

If I get quarantined, I win. You are killing this place btw.

Nobody likes you and we want to watch you embarrass yourself in front of as large a crowd as possible. Seethe.



Why did you expose faggot boqposter like that, I told you I like what he was doing, even if to gaslight?

I mean nobody here read Pawns in the Game ... Why did you not let me play along @Ashcroft


What's Ashcroft's problem with you? Muddying the water for no palpable reason, leaking dms and shit...

They're not really DMs if we told you what was in them before we showed you. The chat is so everyone else doesn't have to see it. Would you like to be invited yourself?


They're not really DMs if we told you what was in them before we showed you. The chat is so everyone else doesn't have to see it. Would you like to be invited yourself?

Think carefully before you answer. You may find yourself stuck in the thread unable to leave.