© Paul Weimer 2023

What makes it even creepier is that the billboard behind them makes it look like he's advertising them for pedo services. Bad and sick guy.


He poisons himself and expects the world to die.
Not that this needs further confirmation, but I did ask a female friend who nannies if bath time pics with a toddler who isn't your kid would ever be appropriate and she gave a very firm no. So basically Paul Weimer is a pedophile and absolute fucking creep and Eric Hildeman celebrates him for being too much of a coward to actually hurt a child.


Currently dying of shit eating disease.
Pedophilia aside, this guy is a fucking awful photographer. His candid shots are fucking retarded. Nothing is framed in a way that makes sense and you can never even tell what anyone is doing because they're all mid-motion. Like the pig picture. Hey, Paul, you could've taken a picture of the profile of the pig or the front of the pig.


What would you do for a Klondike bar?
Recently there was a middle aged guy that was taking pictures of children in our local park. It could have been innocent, but three different parents recorded him on their cell phone and shouted horrendous shit to him until he ran away. They posted it on social media.

Why can't this happen to ol' Uncle Paul?
Oh, I'm sure it has.

Somebody dug up his old blog posts, and there were a surprising number of times he suddenly had to move out of wherever he was renting because his roommates didn't want him there anymore.


Stand Alone Fruit
Pedophilia aside, this guy is a fucking awful photographer. His candid shots are fucking retarded. Nothing is framed in a way that makes sense and you can never even tell what anyone is doing because they're all mid-motion. Like the pig picture. Hey, Paul, you could've taken a picture of the profile of the pig or the front of the pig.
For a guy who claims to be a photographer they are all cell phone quality shots yet he believes they’re so good he needs to put his giant water mark on it.