Buncha fawkin faggots



Gayest response yet. Not going to tell you what’s funny. The only thing I think that’s really funny about that is, it’s another retard like pat, mucking it up at hooligans. Pat doesn’t give a shit about that picture. It’s just another reason his cyberstalkers are deranged. Now to your 2nd point. Was Stu funnier than Dan, because he accidentally doxxed himself, which was 100x funnier than anything Dan has done? I’d say no. Terribly gay argument. I’d also argue over half my Joe posts are funnier than that. That’s just me being a faggot though.
Just because it is Dan doesnt make it less funny. Bit was great. Furburger destroyed you there.

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
Just because it is Dan doesnt make it less funny. Bit was great. Furburger destroyed to there.
Great thread. Really pounded that guy.
Look, you either do bits or you don’t. Dan did a bit and I respect that.
Dan’s exact logic when he tried to say people shouldn’t be allowed to post, or that they’re “low effort”, and he’s the “ringmaster”. The reason any of this shit even started. I can respect going the distance but, this thread was about the immediate dick sucking that went on for basically what equates to: Dan got 2 beers and annoyed patrons at Hooli’s, pretends it’s everyone else’s fault he left us, but it’s cool now, water under the bridge, and then took 2 or 3 pictures. He did basically nothing. Others have turned it into a hilarious bit, which he does deserve credit for. He’s not going to fuck you, he paid to fuck his 9/10 Brazilian wife.


Great thread. Really pounded that guy.

Dan’s exact logic when he tried to say people shouldn’t be allowed to post, or that they’re “low effort”, and he’s the “ringmaster”. The reason any of this shit even started. I can respect going the distance but, this thread was about the immediate dick sucking that went on for basically what equates to: Dan got 2 beers and annoyed patrons at Hooli’s, pretends it’s everyone else’s fault he left us, but it’s cool now, water under the bridge, and then took 2 or 3 pictures. He did basically nothing. Others have turned it into a hilarious bit, which he does deserve credit for. He’s not going to fuck you, he paid to fuck his 9/10 Brazilian wife.
Show your bit which comes close.


What would you do for a Klondike bar?
Gayest response yet. Pat doesn’t give a shit about that picture.
"Hooli's for me forever. Never for you, atalker".

Oh, yeah - he's handling it fine. The motherfucker called the police when he heard Dan turned up; I'm sure seeing that photo will calm him right down.

Now to your 2nd point.
The one where I asked you to post something funny you'd done, and then you went back into who's more popular and who's not invited to your birthday party?

Was Stacey sluttier than Kate, because she accidentally shit herself in homeroom?
I know; high school's tough, sweetie. Just be yourself and the other kids will like you.

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
"Hooli's for me forever. Never for you, atalker".

Oh, yeah - he's handling it fine. The motherfucker called the police when he heard Dan turned up; I'm sure seeing that photo will calm him right down.

The one where I asked you to post something funny you'd done, and then you went back into who's more popular and who's not invited to your birthday party?

I know; high school's tough, sweetie. Just be yourself and the other kids will like you.
Yeah, he called because Dan took a picture of dolls at hooligans. Not the fact he went to his house and took pictures of them doing something. I also answered you. I said half my Joe posts are funnier than that. You’re the one who made it about who’s more popular. Clearly you have poor reading comprehension. Nice try wit da hate though.