Bugs Bunny ruled


Shane Noakes' rabbi raped his 9 year old dick off.
Bugs was the kike, Elmer Fudd was the stupid goyim. Membah all the rabbit crossdressing?

Never saw Elmer Fudd laying on the (((Warner Bros))) logo, eh?

Jacob Warner (as he was named at birth) was born in London, Ontario, in 1892. His parents were Polish-Jewish[11][12][13][14][15] immigrants from Congress Poland (then part of the Russian Empire), who spoke mainly Yiddish. Jack was the fifth surviving son of Benjamin Warner[16] (originally "Wonsal" or "Wonskolaser"), a cobbler from Krasnosielc, and his wife, the former Pearl Leah Eichelbaum


Shane Noakes' rabbi raped his 9 year old dick off.
Nice literal interpretation of kikery, stupid.

There were no t shirts in 1943, you kike consoomer.

Take your 1.2 Patrick S Tomlinson Keffelsphilia back to cumtown you disgraceful nigger.

Suck some more baby penis with your rabbi herpes mouth.

you never see doctor octopus on the marvel logo either dumb dumb

no one wants an elmer fudd t shirt

bugs wasn’t a jew, he was a fucking rabbit you zog brained maroon

not that Jack Horner

If you saw me IRL you very likely wouldn't look me
Nice literal interpretation of kikery, stupid.

There were no t shirts in 1943, you kike consoomer.

Take your 1.2 Patrick S Tomlinson Keffelsphilia back to cumtown you disgraceful nigger.

Suck some more baby penis with your rabbi herpes mouth.

Know what sounds really jewish to me

Coming into a nice thread, and trying to claim Bugs Bunny is fucking jewish

sounds like some real kyke shit if you ask me

not that Jack Horner

If you saw me IRL you very likely wouldn't look me
Nice literal interpretation of kikery, stupid.

There were no t shirts in 1943, you kike consoomer.

nice literal interpretation of kyke consumerism you fucking nob, look at this old ass bugs bunny merchandise from the 1940's


now shut your face

not that Jack Horner

If you saw me IRL you very likely wouldn't look me
A cartoon rabbit all about ww2, jew homeland boogaloo, who was conveniently 4f - unfit to serve.

What's the ADL pay a faggot like you?

what do they pay you Abe? you seem to be doing a lot of heavy lifting convincing me a fictional cartoon is jewish

what kind of jew trolling is that

almost like i'm subconsciously supposed to like jewish people more because I associate them with bugs

nice try kyke face, go tell you buddies at temple that Ray aint the fucking one

And stay out of toon town, or as we will call it from now on 110