British comedy is miles ahead of the yanks & I have proof



I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
First case in point; This scene by Scottish funny man Limmy showcases the acerbic, sophisticated whit of the British. The ability to make powerful societal observations then smash them into social justice dust as well as giving us a vision of how we can do better whilst being funny is remarkable. Most yanks probably won't get this scene or understand the accents. They think tea, crumpets and BBC voices when in reality the streets of Glasgow make Baltimore look like childs play.

Case in point 2; This scene from "in the loop" demonstrates how effective British whit is in demolishing a big brash American. Malcolm tucker runs rings around American tough guy James Gandolfini, who only manages to get off one good line before being beaten into submission. Once again the American fails to get British references and is left confused and dumbfounded. If you were wondering how such a small country was able to conquer the planet then watch this. Comedy gold.

the way gandolfini reacts with his eyes when he tells him never to call him "Anglaish" makes the whole scene for me


This forum saved my life!
just for this idiocy, you should drink a bottle of everclear then go two hours north driving on the left hand side of whatever shitty interstate the uk has and see what happens
Google image search "glasgow neds" and the come back an apologise.


don't call me scarface
First case in point; This scene by Scottish funny man Limmy showcases the acerbic, sophisticated whit of the British. The ability to make powerful societal observations then smash them into social justice dust as well as giving us a vision of how we can do better whilst being funny is remarkable. Most yanks probably won't get this scene or understand the accents. They think tea, crumpets and BBC voices when in reality the streets of Glasgow make Baltimore look like childs play.

Case in point 2; This scene from "in the loop" demonstrates how effective British whit is in demolishing a big brash American. Malcolm tucker runs rings around American tough guy James Gandolfini, who only manages to get off one good line before being beaten into submission. Once again the American fails to get British references and is left confused and dumbfounded. If you were wondering how such a small country was able to conquer the planet then watch this. Comedy gold.

it is pathetic, i need to dumb my posts down so this lot can get it, knowwhatimean?