Bout to get so fucked up. See you atalkers in valhalla



how much you have to drink to get fawked up?
It's pretty much impossible to get fucked up on that shit. If you've never done it before and you manage to take a shit ton without puking, you feel a moderate opiate effect, after that your tolerance rapidly goes through the roof. If you do it every single day for months you experience the most hilariously mild withdrawals.


was on an oxy-hydro bender the last month but i left the area and have no connects here, but this get's the job done to prevent wd , sleepless nights and vomiting everything i eat
it's pretty fucking gay though let's be honest. about the same feeling as 200- 300 mg codeine.

goes well with grapefruit shantys and some all american baseball
How many of the pills are you doing to get that sick?

I'm an expert.