Boring cis white male is back

Had a good professor at the community college he dropped out of.
Or he's calling Indiana Jones his "professor," which, coming from a 43-year-old man, is more pathetic than I can find the words to ever fully elucidate.
He's obsessed with a fictional character.


I could kick Patrick's ass so bad, his daughter who he has never met, would feel it. It also might make Adrienne feel bad for him.

As an aside- when you tweet out shit like this, on what fucking planet are you considered a, "victim?" He's a fat stuttering and muttering mess who can't even say his own last name in court correctly, but he would totally be a combo of Dalton from Roadhouse and Steven Segal in Marked for Death if he had to fight someone irl. Delusional faggot.

these are YOUR delusions, Child...... i won't need to call'll only be clean up


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
white savior complex is problematic, the nigger-trannies don't need some obese deadbeat father to defend them

They never are capable of realizing this. It’s only a matter of time before the people you “defend” turn on you and decide you’re the new enemy. I can’t wait to see it happen to Piggy


He just calls that "first they came for communists" shit "the poem" without any context. How is anyone besides us supposed to know what he's talking about?

Also, fuck communists. They're worse than Nazis and can be targeted for violence for the same reasons as "Nazis". Nazis taking over Germany instead of communists is the best thing that could have happened. The western world would be set back by a century in terms of living conditions if the communists had taken over. Punch communists.

Faggot Boqposter

The Alawite Assassin
He just calls that "first they came for communists" shit "the poem" without any context. How is anyone besides us supposed to know what he's talking about?

Also, fuck communists. They're worse than Nazis and can be targeted for violence for the same reasons as "Nazis". Nazis taking over Germany instead of communists is the best thing that could have happened. The western world would be set back by a century in terms of living conditions if the communists had taken over. Punch communists.
No stlaker, 20 million Ukrainians were not intentionally starved to death. Those are just your delusions again.