Boring cis white male is back

Faggot Boqposter

The Alawite Assassin

Do they have professors at adult daycare community colleges Rick?


I could kick Patrick's ass so bad, his daughter who he has never met, would feel it. It also might make Adrienne feel bad for him.

As an aside- when you tweet out shit like this, on what fucking planet are you considered a, "victim?" He's a fat stuttering and muttering mess who can't even say his own last name in court correctly, but he would totally be a combo of Dalton from Roadhouse and Steven Segal in Marked for Death if he had to fight someone irl. Delusional faggot.
I could kick Patrick's ass so bad, his daughter who he has never met, would feel it. It also might make Adrienne feel bad for him.

As an aside- when you tweet out shit like this, on what fucking planet are you considered a, "victim?" He's a fat stuttering and muttering mess who can't even say his own last name in court correctly, but he would totally be a combo of Dalton from Roadhouse and Steven Segal in Marked for Death if he had to fight someone irl. Delusional faggot.
He thinks Twitter's the old west town of Tombstone and he's a fat gunslinger armed with hot takes and the child zinger.
He truly lives in a fictional world contained in his simple, diseased brain.

It's a wonder if he ever snaps out of it once in a while and has "what alcoholics commonly refer to as a moment of clarity" and realizes the hell of his own making in which he exists, or if he's in a perpetual state of delusion.


Reminder: Pat still occasionally identifies as a conservative (a real conservative as he likes to put it). He says so, even though he has never actually voted for a Republican/Conservative politician and when he voted in the 2000 election, he voted for noted conservative- Ralph Nader. He holds zero conservative values or beliefs except maybe his stance on guns, but even then his stance is disingenuous at best-- he believes he should have guns.

If there ever were a socialist/commie takeover in the US, Patrick would literally be one of the first ones purged due to his own comments/tweets on social media-- identifying as a conservative firebrand whose party had "lost him." It's funny, people like Patrick think they will be the leaders of whatever movement they join, when in fact, they're useful idiots. They're cannon fodder and they're thrown up against the wall once they have outlived their usefulness.

He's a 43 year old, uneducated fat rube with zero discernable skills and he's from flyover country. The definition of expendable/disposable. To make matters worse (for him), he doesn't even have the decency to be charming or charismatic to make up for his many shortcomings and fatal flaws.


"Now put ice skates on dat bich." Peppermint
Reminder: Pat still occasionally identifies as a conservative (a real conservative as he likes to put it). He says so, even though he has never actually voted for a Republican/Conservative politician and when he voted in the 2000 election, he voted for noted conservative- Ralph Nader. He holds zero conservative values or beliefs except maybe his stance on guns, but even then his stance is disingenuous at best-- he believes he should have guns.

Knowing Pat and how much of a stupid idiot he is he has no idea what it means was trying to flex that he is rich enough to be a Republican but is a hero for the poor Dems.

Or just larping for Ade's dad like he larped as a writer for lesbian Nicole Robinson's mom.


Knowing Pat and how much of a stupid idiot he is he has no idea what it means was trying to flex that he is rich enough to be a Republican but is a hero for the poor Dems.

Or just larping for Ade's dad like he larped as a writer for lesbian Nicole Robinson's mom.
If he was rich enough to be a Republican, he wouldn't live around niggers and in a hovel.