
Put a tire around your neck and light it on fire, faggot.
You're not as smart as you pretend you are and you're a fucking weirdo. Seriously. Kill yourself.
<--- Look, a patposter. Seriously, the whole premise for your humor is WILD how weirdly corny and unfunny it is. By every metric.

@Sue Lightning don't OD on some gay shit, high faggster



I would literally hold your emaciated, boney ass down on the ground with one hand and shove dirt in your mouth with the other. I'd force you to eat mud.
[URL unfurl="true"][/URL]

What are you, some "tough guy"? LOL...middle aged sasster.


Yeah your 4chan memes really get under my skin, you terminally-online faggot.
My hands are big enough to wrap around your throat. I could choke the life out of your skinny, unathletic, goat-fucking frame while I jerk off with the other.
You do understand that? I would terminate you with one hand on your dirty brown neck and the other on my pecker.

You're an autistic computer nigger without any friends. Fuck it, nevermind the fact you're a nigger - forget that. You're an autistic weirdo with no friends, gay hair, feminine fingers, and a woman's voice. You should be buried in the desert up to your head and stoned to death for being such an unfunny cunt. The fact you're a cave nigger on top of it all is superfluous.
Nigga I have a family I take care of, but when I was living on campus etc I was social af. btw Im huge (this was by the main campus...I was fawkin popular tbh)


Faggot Boqposter

The Alawite Assassin
Nigga I have a family I take care of, but when I was living on campus etc I was social af. btw Im huge (this was by the main campus...I was fawkin popular tbh)

View attachment 182452
Holy shit that face is terrifying. Mental illness unrestrained.

Nice “I’m going to rape her, murder her, and wear her skin as a taqiyah” face, stupid.

Faggot Boqposter

The Alawite Assassin
Where's Boq? Come take your beating like a man.

This is literally the entire backbone of our community. Be a faggot: take the beating. Like a MAN.

But as we know, Boq ain't no man. Not even close.
He's a guy who watches the super bowl alone because he has NO friends. He's an autistic, unlikeable nigger without any friends. He keeps posting pictures of random ugly white women as if that compensates for friends. LOL I really wanna kill this guy.

Send me your location, faggot. I'll walk in your house, knock over the furniture, and beat. Your. Ass. Send me your location.
If you watch his super cool coyote video where he had that epic wildlife experience you can find his neighborhood (a coyote on his street!! Yikes on Bikes!!)


If you watch his super cool coyote video where he had that epic wildlife experience you can find his neighborhood (a coyote on his street!! Yikes on Bikes!!)
He's a pussy, he wont do shit. It's just posturing "sass".
Stop liking my posts, faggot. Shut your nigger ass up and send me your location you fucking little weak bones African zilch. You little fucking weasel. You brown skinned snake.

Send me your location so I can post photos here of your mangled corpse. Your mangled nigger corpse.

I could literally murder you in cold blood and LEO wouldn't care because you're a piece of shit. Do me a favor you fucking homo and send all of this to LEO. Just like Rick.

Send it to the FBI. I want them to know I'm bullying a skinny fuck nigger for being a faggot. Tell them.

Or are you just going to sit there and retort back to me, homosexually? I'm literally demanding your address so we can fight like men and you're sending me 4chan memes.
You're a terminally-online loner and some day I will literally crush your skull because you deserve to die.
Drunk sasster who never got in an actual fight vs someone who's been hyper aggressive since age 9?. I'm probably the only person here who lifts weights, middle aged sasster. Again, the "bare hands" schtick is mine. I have thick leathery hands. I could crush your hand in a handshake. You're the one with weak bones on account of the alcohol consumption. Keep being a clown.


Stop sending me 4chan memes, you godless brown faggot.

I want your fucking address. I want it. I want your fucking shithole address.

Back up your own shit-talking, if you can. Back it up. This was literally all YOU talking bigger than your hands can back up. You're literally a fuck boy, all mouth - no suck.

I'll pull down your pants and spank you in front of... Well .. nobody, because you have no friends. But seriously give me your location so I can come up there and film myself literally RUBBING MY PENIS ON YOUR FACE. The forum would love it. Lots of ribs. Faggot.
You sure can write, fawking writer. Project more on the friendless part btw.

Are you dying? Wouldn't surprise me tbh..."patposter".


Where's your address pussy?

You trembling voice ass nigger?

What. Is. Your. Address?.
I am going to strangle you. That's it. When I see your skinny, gangly, unathletic, autistic, East African lookin ass, I'm just going to walk up and with one hand choke you to death. I'm going to watch your yellow, jaundiced eyes bulge out of your nigger skull and as you slap at me with your feminine hands, I'm going to stare straight into your eyes. I will be the last thing you see.

Send me your address you fucking vagina
See, all this writing and performaTive shit would be funny if it were original and not just a doppelganger of my dynamic with @Sue Lightning.

You're drunk right now. On God. Log off. I would fuck you up IRL for sure. You're too sagacious and sassy to be a fighter.