Boooooooo, Pig, booooooooo


What would you do for a Klondike bar?
Pat learned his lesson from the Nadolski court appearance and will have this post printed out as evidence.

Fat - "Look, Judge child. This is what I'm dealing with. They're even mocking you! That's my ex wife sitting on your lap!"

Judge Sosnay - "Mr Tomlinson, what does this have to do with your contempt for this court? Anyway, it says they're a fan and that picture is pretty funny."
Imagine the shit that judge hears every day from the fine gang-affiliated gentlemen he convicts. Death threats, rape threats, "you raycis"... all kinds of shit.

Then Pat presents him with a photoshop of him with a Milwaukee 7 on his lap, and expects him to get offended

Prison Enjoyer

Status: Enjoying Prison! 😁
In reading all of Fat's replies in the past day, it's very obvious he WILL show up. Every single time a protestor asked him whether he'd show (several dozen times already), instead of denying he's just spamming "Your life is already over, stlaker."

He's refusing to address it directly. Technicality Tomlinson (who never lies) is on full display here. The contrast is glaring:

(in April) "Hey Pat, are you going to your debtor's exam today? See you there!"

"No, stlaker. Wrong as always stlaker. I will be taking no exam today because there is no debt. Enjoy prison."

(Today) "Hey Pat, are you going to you contempt hearing on Aug. 24? See you there! You are too pussy to admit you WILL be going because you're an obedient boy. Give me a yes or no, fatty!"

"Your life is already over stlaker. Enjoy prison."

Prison Enjoyer

Status: Enjoying Prison! 😁
He's really committed to the "Your life is already over/already over in prison, stlaker" paste in the past week -- We really have indeed moved onto the "You are already in prison" phase of the Fat delusion timeline.

> "You are being investigated, stlaker"

> "You are facing prison, stlaker"

> "You are going to prison, stlaker"

> "You are already in prison, stlaker" (we are here)

> "You will come join me in prison, stlaker"