Boooooooo, Pig, booooooooo


I hope people Ouija you tweets after your dead


12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy

He has the most stereotypical white male taste in television. I'm the Jack Ryan! I'm the Raylan Givens! I fight evil but by my own terms.

Can you please watch Wednesday before you go to prison? #1 show in Netflix history plus It was nominated for several Emmys including Best Actress in a Comedy Series so it's not just me recommending it.


Justified is great. Rick only likes it because people better than him kept recommending it. Imma keep telling myself that, cuz I hate it when he likes shit that is actually good.
He just saw the cowboy hat in the promo pics and it reminded him of ole Touchin' Tommy.

We know this faggot hasn't seen Sopranos, True Detective or Succession. There's no way he's seen Justified either.

Prison Enjoyer

Status: Enjoying Prison! 😁
Well-played, well-played indeed to this brotherman. The username alone…
View attachment 136375

Vurrrry good

To whoever made that account... I hope they Enjoy Prison. Would be a real shame if they were already an enjoyer of prison, then I guess they really would enjoy prison. Enjoy prison enjoy prison enjoy prison. Enjoy. We will.

Anyway, Enjoy Prison, stlaker.



Pat learned his lesson from the Nadolski court appearance and will have this post printed out as evidence.

Fat - "Look, Judge child. This is what I'm dealing with. They're even mocking you! That's my ex wife sitting on your lap!"

Judge Sosnay - "Mr Tomlinson, what does this have to do with your contempt for this court? Anyway, it says they're a fan and that picture is pretty funny."

Tagine Enthusiast

Gifted by Lynne!
As least we have a new exhibit to prove he is aware of the hearing date in case he chooses to not show up. Any bets on what he is likely to do? I know by default we choose the least intelligent option but they all seem equally as stupid; waste more of Lynne’s money to hire a lawyer and relitigate the last 5 years, show up with no legal representation or ignore it and hope for the best.
Any bets on what he is likely to do? I know by default we choose the least intelligent option but they all seem equally as stupid; waste more of Lynne’s money to hire a lawyer and relitigate the last 5 years, show up with no legal representation or ignore it and hope for the best.
I don't want to give him any ideas but he's probably got his crypto account revved up and ready to go. He would definitely be that stupid.