Boom Bap!!! Palestinians blown off the map!!!


A circle of N-words
While I certainly don't like seeing (((them))) rack up W's, I have to say I'm quite surprised how the Arab world en masse just decided the Pallies were more trouble than they were worth and just allowed them to be wiped out.

Like I would have thought at least blanket condemnation, but nah. They straight up don't give a shit anymore.
Palestinians are the niggers of the Arab world.
While I certainly don't like seeing (((them))) rack up W's, I have to say I'm quite surprised how the Arab world en masse just decided the Pallies were more trouble than they were worth and just allowed them to be wiped out.

Like I would have thought at least blanket condemnation, but nah. They straight up don't give a shit anymore.
They wore out their welcomes among the arabs who hosted them


I have to say I'm quite surprised how the Arab world en masse just decided the Pallies were more trouble than they were worth and just allowed them to be wiped out.
A large part of it is because the Jordanians and the Kuwaitis are still really pissed off about what happened in their respective countries involving Palestinians. Another part of it is that multiple times throughout recent history the Palestinians threw their lot in with geopolitical forces that were were ultimately defeated or diminished (Soviets, Communists, Iraqi Ba'athists, Syrian Ba'athists) and this has resulted in there being little to gain and perhaps much to lose from a political alliance with Palestine for countries seeking partnerships which will yield them geopolitical and/or economic benefits (which are the only things significant to a geopolitical actor in reality). It's not necessarily the 'opinion on the street' which guides these policies but the will of those governing.