Big Lenny has a message for Patrick


looking for a vehicle
No no no what we really need is a Dark Sith Lord return with an Order 66 on Rick. Even Jason in his weakened, imprisoned state sending the Piss Troopers would really get Rick going. Imagine Jason Genova being roped into the next lawsuit. Him suing a retarded, fat, delusional ex body building huge yoootoob cellery who is absolutely clueless as to who this fat Rick fellow is that he’s getting sued by. Now that is fucking menty!

If the pests and the piss troopers joined forces, both at full power back in the day, nothing in the world could have stopped it. It would have been a site to behold.

The remaining misfit maniacs and piss troopers were kicked off reddit as well and are holed up on a board similar to us,

I do enjoy when two of my weird obscure interests collide. May you all stay 18 forever and 700lbs ripped!
Deserve what get, fatso