Big A continues to age like a fine wine

How did you find this place if you’re not a big Opie and Anthony fan?
I am but I’m only a couple years in and I hate the Big A stuff. I listen for the comic guests; most of the callers are cringe.
Linzbella but I don't really know who she is or where she fits in this universe of characters. Not sure if she was on the radio or what but clearly she's Long Island garbage.
Ahhh that tasty little dumpster slut.
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❤️bonnie bonnie bonnie❤️
I am but I’m only a couple years in and I hate the Big A stuff.

Ahhh that tasty little dumpster slut.
Everything involving Big A is fucking awful. Linzbella was some trailer trash hanger on who got divorced because she cheated on her husband at a “compound” party. If I recall correctly, she came to the sub then got chased off almost immediately because she expected to be treated nicely.


I was chest-bumped, alroight!
Linzbella but I don't really know who she is or where she fits in this universe of characters. Not sure if she was on the radio or what but clearly she's Long Island garbage.
She was a paltalk/messageboard 'friend' of the show & made it to compound, rumor is that she fucked Big-A, I think she was with 'Marine Mike' for a bit.
She tried to make Linzbella some kinda brand (dunno what for), but reddit ruuuuined it.

PS> she argued with Alex Jones over the phone during an interview, he gave her the business

TLDR: midget whoore who latched-on to Anth but was too old so fucked fans
Hey, crazy thought; how about a mustache? He's the ugliest, scariest motherfucker of all time and he decides to go with the worst type of beard possible. I'm dead serious, when I see anybody with a stupid fucking Amish beard with no mustache I want to spit in their fucking face. If anyone here is trying to rock that look, I'm telling you straight up that you look fucking retarded and you should fix it.

You do realize how he looked clean shaven right? He's George Clooney with that beard


Getting my rocks off. Emptying my boulders.
Hey, crazy thought; how about a mustache? He's the ugliest, scariest motherfucker of all time and he decides to go with the worst type of beard possible. I'm dead serious, when I see anybody with a stupid fucking Amish beard with no mustache I want to spit in their fucking face. If anyone here is trying to rock that look, I'm telling you straight up that you look fucking retarded and you should fix it.
Can you rate my facial hair Abe?