Betsy may have found a job


Correct me if I’m wrong, but most job applications ask you to self-identify as a person with disabilities. I believe it’s optional but that feels like a good time to be upfront about it, since one would assume she only applied to jobs where she felt she could accomplish the duties once those accommodations are made.

If her social media wasn’t an automatic reject, it’s probably safe to assume they are fine with whatever accommodations she claims to need anyway so why is she even worried about it?


Stand Alone Fruit
If she's going to be the receptionist at Resto Law, we may have some new bits to work out.
It makes the most sense why she all of a sudden has a job, mom and dad said enough with laying around it’s 2022 and we’re getting you a job even if we have to fund it. I’m sure she’s convinced herself she’s the office marketing manager and legal consultant when she’s just answering phones and taking messages.