Ben Shaprio's sister got a breast reduction


The Backbone of America
it’s amazing how fat tits make the rest of a woman more appealing. Everything about her looks worse without those jumbos.

I only know I think 4 women who have had breast reductions and 3 of them very much regret it.
Two of my friends' moms and my stepmother have all had their tits reduced. My one buddy's mom is a big fat Terry Clifford type and my other buddy's mom and my stepmom were just regular ladies with gigantic tits. Like to the point that it would have had to hurt their backs.


Two of my friends' moms and my stepmother have all had their tits reduced. My one buddy's mom is a big fat Terry Clifford type and my other buddy's mom and my stepmom were just regular ladies with gigantic tits. Like to the point that it would have had to hurt their backs.
It's really very selfish of them to get them reduced. Oh your back hurts? Boo hoo. A small price to pay for giving your husband erections well into his 70s. It's called the greater good.


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Two of my friends' moms and my stepmother have all had their tits reduced. My one buddy's mom is a big fat Terry Clifford type and my other buddy's mom and my stepmom were just regular ladies with gigantic tits. Like to the point that it would have had to hurt their backs.
Yeah the one person I know who doesn’t regret it is a friend and she had back trouble. She had mega tits also so they are still big now just not borderline comical.

My cousin had it done also. She gained the freshman 15 (more like 25) when she went to college and got really insecure about her body. But now she regrets it a lot because she lost the wright and her tits shrunk even more. Another chick I know was a model and had them reduced and then lost a bunch of gigs. The other is one opposite of my cousin, had them reduced when thin but then gained weight and her tits didn’t bounce back so she is sort of a flatso and hates how she looks.