Be Honest


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
About 15 or 16 Asian girls.

Or women. Let's say "women".


Joe's Filipino Supervisor
Have you ever slept with a girl who wasn't white?
Yes, a Puerto Rican, she was gorgeous and ridiculous in bed
The funny thing was that she was a dark skinned one, her sister was milk white and her little brother looked 100% African . I only met her mother and she looked like a mix of Taino and Spanish conquistador so I don't know wtf was going on


Yes, a Puerto Rican, she was gorgeous and ridiculous in bed
The funny thing was that she was a dark skinned one, her sister was milk white and her little brother looked 100% African . I only met her mother and she looked like a mix of Taino and Spanish conquistador so I don't know wtf was going on
We like to fuck and mix our people. I look hilariously ambiguous with my race. Niggas think I'm Brazilian, Moroccan, Iranian, or Italian half the time. Summers I turn into David Ortiz black and winters I tend to lighten up and become olive.


A couple of black ones, one half Japanese, one Indian and an Arabic girl. I would add a girl from Sardinia because, although European, she was very dark and looked almost Arab. Amazing pussy though.


Yes, a Puerto Rican, she was gorgeous and ridiculous in bed
The funny thing was that she was a dark skinned one, her sister was milk white and her little brother looked 100% African . I only met her mother and she looked like a mix of Taino and Spanish conquistador so I don't know wtf was going on
Her mother was a whore and the kids all had different dads seems the logical answer


Yeah but I can't get into blacks. Had a nigger prostitute follow me through a mall once. She was very intent on sucking my dick for $50. Maybe I could have talked her down to $25 but I wasn't feeling it.


Cuban, black, Filipino, and Chinese. The Chinese gal was the worst. I might as well been fucking a corpse. The Chinese are emotionless robots.

Reminds me of the time I was dating this jewish gal. 5/10 face but great khazar milkers. On our third date I was expecting her to at least offer to pay for dinner. She probably thought the same thing, because even before the check came out she ran out of the resturant.


Joe's Filipino Supervisor
Oh that PR I dated asked me to take her sister out for a good time since she didn't know anyone, while she was visiting from college, and she worked 3 jobs at the time. So I thought she was testing me because as I said she was milk white and real hot. I figured no drinks so I don't do anything stupid so I went and took her to see predator 2. She turned out to be a really cool girl. We had a lot in common


More minorities than whites by far. I don't trust white girls these days. They all think they're some political activist
, have horrendous tattoos, terrible taste in food, boy haircuts, most seem to be out of shape and ran through. I've also seen alot more who are really into sports which is annoying as shit.

The ones who are hot and take care of themselves are are now so few that it's not worth dealing with the heavy competition to obtain them.

In places like Latin America, parts of Europe, and a percentage of the South USA women atleast try to appear like WOMEN still. An average woman can atleast put on some make up, wear a pretty outfit, and carry themselves in a feminine manner to make themselves a 7 or 8.

I see tons of white women who could be attractive but behave like men.


More minorities than whites by far. I don't trust white girls these days. They all think they're some political activist
, have horrendous tattoos, terrible taste in food, boy haircuts, most seem to be out of shape and ran through. I've also seen alot more who are really into sports which is annoying as shit.

The ones who are hot and take care of themselves are are now so few that it's not worth dealing with the heavy competition to obtain them.

In places like Latin America, parts of Europe, and a percentage of the South USA women atleast try to appear like WOMEN still. An average woman can atleast put on some make up, wear a pretty outfit, and carry themselves in a feminine manner to make themselves a 7 or 8.

I see tons of white women who could be attractive but behave like men.