Audiobook Recommendations




Self Styled Brothaman
Cheated by Andy Martino on the Astros cheating scandal is real good

The Real Anthony Fauci by RFK Jr (excellent book and more about the overall covid scan and response)

The Secret Knowledge by David Mamet

The Problem of Pain by CS Lewis

Griftopia by Matt Taibi on the 2008 financial meltdown

Dumbing us Down, or Weapons of Mass Instruction by John Taylor Gatto on public education and why it is the way it is and what it's goals are

Just a few I've enjoyed recently.


Cheated by Andy Martino on the Astros cheating scandal is real good

The Real Anthony Fauci by RFK Jr (excellent book and more about the overall covid scan and response)

The Secret Knowledge by David Mamet

The Problem of Pain by CS Lewis

Griftopia by Matt Taibi on the 2008 financial meltdown

Dumbing us Down, or Weapons of Mass Instruction by John Taylor Gatto on public education and why it is the way it is and what it's goals are

Just a few I've enjoyed recently.
I second Griftopia, and I'll add in The Big Short and Moneyball by Michael Lewis. Good pop Econ books about the markets.

If you really like history and want bang for your buck get Shelby Footes narrative history of the Civil War. For a credit you get like 45 hours of in depth and interesting civil war history


I was only jokin'
If you want a tip, just download Vuze on your phone and go download audiobook torrents on Audiobook Bay. Buying audiobooks is really expensive in the long run.
Yeah I'm only doing this because it's a free trial that you can keep two books when you cancel. I got a bunch from them and maybe listened to only a quarter all the way through, so won't be making that mistake again.


If you pay me, I'll read Anthony's book to you over the phone. You'll have to buy the book too obviously. For some extra scratch i can make bad attempts at doing his voices while reading.