Assuming the US doesn't collapse, what do you fuckers see this country looking like in 10 years?


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.

He legitimately has to be one of the ugliest men in America, if not the world.

What a ghoulish pedo.


We're in the tipping point of depression round two. Rape on public transportation is becoming the norm. I would be surprised the country survives to 2030.

This is meaningless, but the fact that a state is doing this is the cracks in the country showing. They'll do this, but not shoot spics at the border.



Stand Alone Fruit
Biden who we’ve been told got the most votes of any president in history being a complete disaster will lead to lower voter turn out as the years go by because people realize it’s not worth it. I can’t even find cars with Biden stickers anymore and anyone that voted for him has run out of excuses for his awful presidency.

Feltch My Ass

Dan posting, it’s what’s for Dinner
We're in the tipping point of depression round two. Rape on public transportation is becoming the norm. I would be surprised the country survives to 2030.

This is meaningless, but the fact that a state is doing this is the cracks in the country showing. They'll do this, but not shoot spics at the border.

I don't get why people think it's ok to shoot border crossers

But once they cross, it's home-free?


Stand Alone Fruit
I already cant stand any 'vote harder' comments I come across, especially if from people over 30, who have been in enough election cycles to know, it's all rigged.
That’s something a lot of first time voters have realized with Biden. They were all told he’s gonna save everything and make it all better. He did the complete opposite and now we’re all screwed. Even the most die hard Biden fans have gone silent. It’s just gonna make voter turn out to even lower because people know nothing is gonna change. Only old people and the smug unemployed like Pat will vote because they don’t have anywhere to be.

Feltch My Ass

Dan posting, it’s what’s for Dinner
Biden who we’ve been told got the most votes of any president in history being a complete disaster will lead to lower voter turn out as the years go by because people realize it’s not worth it. I can’t even find cars with Biden stickers anymore and anyone that voted for him has run out of excuses for his awful presidency.

Oh, I saw Biden signs up until this summer gas hike

The ones still up, are from lazy old people who don't mow their lawns

Feltch My Ass

Dan posting, it’s what’s for Dinner
The government has turned on a giant magnet for welfare leeches. No one gets deported anymore. They use our LGBT military to fly them in cargo planes to the northeast and let them scatter.

I can’t blame them for being smart


Stand Alone Fruit
You know we’ve got problems when we’ve had a “labor shortage” for over a year. Everywhere you go they’re short staffed and begging for help but as they say “nobody wants to work” which is insane. Then again you go on twitter and that’s majority of the crowd that doesn’t want to work. My cousin works a warehouse job and makes good money but has been overworked due to short staffing to the point he had a mild heart attack. I work in banking for a global company and it’s all over - short staff and can’t get anyone to work. Some companies now starting taking felons.


America will wake up to the fact China is the future and it's time as too dog is over.
we could only be so lucky. we already live under a communist government, the nsa tracks all of our online and phone conversations.

we live in the lgtbqia+jew communist system.

i would much rather live under common sense Russia or China communism.