Are tattoos the gayest of the fucking gay?

I used to work with a girl who was a solid 9, as pretty as can be. One day she mentioned how she was thinking about getting a tattoo, a rose on her ankle, surrounded by thorns. I said "why, so everyone will know you're beautiful but dangerous? There's an original idea". She got all mad, but she didn't get the tattoo. The way I see it, she owes me.

I know another girl, hot blonde, spectacular tits. She was seeing a faggot who got a bunch of star tattoos all over his arms and back that represented his friendships. When "the friendships ended", he got the stars filled in. So she stupidly did it too, and now she has a bunch of ugly black stars on her back. Then after she split up with that queer, she started fucking another guy, and got his name tattooed on her arm. It fell apart quickly, so she went to get it removed, but it was expensive and painful. So she covered the name with a bunch of gay "tribal" shit. So now this total piece of ass has all these retarded black tattoos all over her. And while she's still hot as balls, she'd be even hotter without them.


I used to work with a girl who was a solid 9, as pretty as can be. One day she mentioned how she was thinking about getting a tattoo, a rose on her ankle, surrounded by thorns. I said "why, so everyone will know you're beautiful but dangerous? There's an original idea". She got all mad, but she didn't get the tattoo. The way I see it, she owes me.

I know another girl, hot blonde, spectacular tits. She was seeing a faggot who got a bunch of star tattoos all over his arms and back that represented his friendships. When "the friendships ended", he got the stars filled in. So she stupidly did it too, and now she has a bunch of ugly black stars on her back. Then after she split up with that queer, she started fucking another guy, and got his name tattooed on her arm. It fell apart quickly, so she went to get it removed, but it was expensive and painful. So she covered the name with a bunch of gay "tribal" shit. So now this total piece of ass has all these retarded black tattoos all over her. And while she's still hot as balls, she'd be even hotter without them.
And who said women aren’t funny?


I like to show mine off from time to time.

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Bitches like them, I’ve gotten laid a couple of times over the years from my arm tats i got in my early twenties on a phenibut binge while wearing a tank /tshirt as they’re good convo starters for dumb whores, and if you’re fit they look alright
Who gives a shit, you’ll be eaten by worms in 40 years anyways.
As long as it’s not on your hands neck or face there’s really no detriment besides looking like a douche bag.
Theyrea great sign if a girl has em she’s an easy fuck. Or vice versa
Fawkin haters brah.



Bitches like them, I’ve gotten laid a couple of times over the years from my arm tats i got in my early twenties on a phenibut binge while wearing a tank /tshirt as they’re good convo starters for dumb whores, and if you’re fit they look alright
Who gives a shit, you’ll be eaten by worms in 40 years anyways.
As long as it’s not on your hands neck or face there’s really no detriment besides looking like a douche bag.
Theyrea great sign if a girl has em she’s an easy fuck. Or vice versa
Fawkin haters brah.

View attachment 53561
You're a sick cunt if you want to be brah. I agree with you. What people don't get about the regret thing is that it's like a birthmark. You may not care about your tattoos anymore, and if you could go back in time, maybe you wouldn't have gotten them in the first place, but it's something you become indifferent to. Now the people who have done their necks, faces (this more than anything), and hands and have to see their tattoos staring right back at them in the mirror on a daily basis, yeah, that's different. The Pete Davidson post above is a different situation too, that looks like a middle schoolers notebook scribbled all over his torso. Mars Attacks and a shark? I don't even know what to call that trend, it's like people took the American and Russian prison tattoo style and replaced swastikas and clovers, or orthodox crosses in the case of Russians, and replaced them with pop culture references.

Other than Zyzz, @CarolMaxheinie's sleeve looks good too. I don't think Carol will be crying when he gets sagging skin and ink is on top of it. I don't think anyone is going to care about it by that point, but truthfully, you don't really give a shit about it long before that if you didn't screw the pooch that bad.


I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
Derrr I'm so different, I got something most other people have to express my inner self.

I'll just start off by saying this isn't meant for islanders; I get them having them.

But for the rest, lol what a fucking joke. Most tats look like shit now, and they make a person look old. Alex Jones said once that people that get their whole body covered (face too) do so because they were raped or molested as a kid... I believe it. Others just want that fucking attention.

Around 2000 to 2003 is when things really went to shit. Thats when mom's started getting them. I always like the people that have a shit ton and talk like they accomplished something in life... Nah, you paid money for a person to fucking draw on you.
All tats are gay, especially gang tattoos
Bitches like them, I’ve gotten laid a couple of times over the years from my arm tats i got in my early twenties on a phenibut binge while wearing a tank /tshirt as they’re good convo starters for dumb whores, and if you’re fit they look alright
Who gives a shit, you’ll be eaten by worms in 40 years anyways.
As long as it’s not on your hands neck or face there’s really no detriment besides looking like a douche bag.
Theyrea great sign if a girl has em she’s an easy fuck. Or vice versa
Fawkin haters brah.

View attachment 53561
Hopefully you wind up like zyzz