Are tattoos the gayest of the fucking gay?

Carl Winslow

I'm not a Fed
Derrr I'm so different, I got something most other people have to express my inner self.

I'll just start off by saying this isn't meant for islanders; I get them having them.

But for the rest, lol what a fucking joke. Most tats look like shit now, and they make a person look old. Alex Jones said once that people that get their whole body covered (face too) do so because they were raped or molested as a kid... I believe it. Others just want that fucking attention.

Around 2000 to 2003 is when things really went to shit. Thats when mom's started getting them. I always like the people that have a shit ton and talk like they accomplished something in life... Nah, you paid money for a person to fucking draw on you.


Around 1997-2007 the Kikes got really smug and said, "we will use our puppets to really degrade the Goys"

It started with Monica Lewinsky and Bill Clinton IMO...but they really pushed 'degradation' mainstream.

I was a 'prime news' tv buff as a latch key kid (literally remember waking up my mom to tell her Princess Diana died)...but the Monica Lewinsky shit was the first time my fuddy-duddy parents got iffy about having the news be my baby sitter.

Same time I started seeing 18 year olds suddenly get neck tattoos and shit in my neighborhood. And ppl being Wiggers into their 20s (Eminem).


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
Still loving my Xena tattoo to be perfectly honest witcha.



Access to the Debates
I really hate them. My friend has a few and got drunk and wanted to get one on his ass as a joke. So we are in the shop and the tat artist asks me why I don’t have any and I said hey you don’t put a bumper sticker on a Ferrari (it’s a hack joke I heard elsewhere), but it made the whole shop go silent. There were maybe 5-6 other people getting tats in chairs plus the person at the counter and they all looked at me like I just shat in their oatmeal.

When I worked as a bouncer I was extra harsh when tossing faggy college aged dudes with sleeve tats of their fav cartoons or whatever lame shit. If bikers came in with “81” tats I would of course shut my stupid mouth. Bikers, soldiers and prisoners get a pass in the tattoo category for me since they are the OGs of it and then of course some ethnics like you mentioned.


I can understand those Band of Brothers types who got drunk one night and got their regimental colors tattooed on their upper arm because they were being shipped off to Bastogne the next morning but anything else is gay and unnecessary.

My grandfather had a small tattoo of the insignia of his regiment in WW2, the 11th Armoured Division, on his arm and I remember as a small kid when he would work in the garden shirtless in the summer I would ask him to show me it. He would have to stretch his wrinkled old skin for you to see it properly. He was also embarrassed that he had it and wished he never got it.

These faggots today don't seem to have ever thought what they'll look like when they're old and covered in wrinkly colourful sleeves and gay ass childish scribbles.


Same time I started seeing 18 year olds suddenly get neck tattoos and shit in my neighborhood. And ppl being Wiggers into their 20s (Eminem).
Remember when any kind of tattoo that couldn't be covered up was considered extreme, even among tattoo enthusiasts? Then came the neck tattoos, then came the hands, and now this unbelievably dumb trend of tattooing the face. BMEzine went from shocking to everyday life.

Brooke Shields

Patrick Tomlinson hates me because I am a woman
Ya know how when a kid would draw on himself with markers and you'd think "That looks so stupid and it's gonna take a while to wash off." Yeah, these are grown people doing it 5x more retarded

I think a big thing in 1st world culture is not to say obvious truths that may offend someone. It's gotten to the point where we can't say a man with a penis is a man.
Tattoos are a big one, they look horrible on the majority of girls, and they're irreversible so good luck saying they look bad post tattooing, you might as well tell a tranny they shouldn't have chopped their cocks off

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
I always tell my friends it’s like a username. How often do you like your username 10 years later? What do you think is different? Permanence. I’ve also mentioned it before but it’s just a fashion fad. In that same time frame everyone is going to be stuck with something that looks faggy. No one got stuck wearing Jenkos other then Jim Norton.

Former Prez Gerald Ford

Come over and we’ll have nachos. And some beer.
I saw some cunt recently at the local farmers market with a tattoo below her clavicle that said “nevertheless, she persisted…”

I have no idea what this phrase means but I just know it’s some faggy astroturfed feminist horseshit and it made me irrationally angry. I had a visceral fantasy that lasted for several minutes of caving her head in with a brick until her face was completely unrecognizable.

I hope she gets raped by a pack of niggers :mel_sm:
I always tell my friends it’s like a username. How often do you like your username 10 years later? What do you think is different? Permanence. I’ve also mentioned it before but it’s just a fashion fad. In that same time frame everyone is going to be stuck with something that looks faggy. No one got stuck wearing Jenkos other then Jim Norton.
Look, you're right John. You're always right. How do you always know the right answer all the time Johnny?


My uncle who was in the Navy for a long time had a bunch before everybody started getting them. This was around the time when only bikers, prisoners, the Undertaker, and military guys had tattoos.

His life is a mess but he’s hilarious and based as fuck - years ago we were drinking together and told me he fucked over 500 women. I told him that the law of averages says one of them had to be a guy and he’s still salty about it because he knows it’s true.

I thought soyboys and office stiffs getting sleeve tattoos were the dumbest things I’ve ever seen but now hot girls are getting tattoos on the front of their thighs, which is exponentially worse. Way to destroy one of the things guys like most, stupid.