Are Niki and Riki having birthday sex tonight?


Like he’ll be able to get it up. 😂


Get what up?


It's not REALLY Ray Wilson
After months of his begging, Nikki finally decides to let Rick fart into her pussy tonight.

However, given Rick's predilection for alcohol, shitty bar food and his sedentary lifestyle, he ends up sharting a hot liquid stream of yellow / brown chunks into her. Enraged, Nikki bolts upright, screaming at Rick that she's going to call Mama Raven on him as she marches into the bathroom to clean up, smashing his Star Trek model onto the floor before slamming the pocket door shut.

Rick sits there in his shirtless, sweaty shame, turning beet red as his lifeless eyes begin to glisten momentarily. He shakes his head, shrugging this off, as he picks up his phone and tweets about "prezzies" as his wife wails in anger and resentment.