Are Koalas even real? Look how human this one's eyes are:



Panda's aren't real either, rube.


That Christina Ricci pussy was so good that this nigger lost his mind.


Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
I really tried to watch that from the perspective that he's a complete nutjob, but I have to say... I don't think they exist either now.
I gotta hear this.

First i learn dinosaurs have never existed, then koala's, and now fucking panda's?!


Dinosaurs are fake and gay but koalas are real, believe you me. They shit too much for them not to be real.

Those big kangaroos can literally disembowel people, and people are like "aren't dinosaurs scary?" No, kangaroos are literal terrorists and the government sits back and does nothing.

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
So Kangaroos over there are basically what muslims are over here?

Can you at least shoot them?
They're just really tall Muslims, basically. Except they can jump over fences. You could shoot one or a few and get away with it, sure (not that I want to shoot Muslims, CIA and ASIO, juuuuust the big kangaroos).

Keep in mind, I'm not talking about the smaller, cuter kinds in petting zoos. Those ones are nice and timid. It's the big cunts who will grab your dog and try and drown it.


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
They're just really tall Muslims, basically. Except they can jump over fences. You could shoot one or a few and get away with it, sure (not that I want to shoot Muslims, CIA and ASIO, juuuuust the big kangaroos).

Keep in mind, I'm not talking about the smaller, cuter kinds in petting zoos. Those ones are nice and timid. It's the big cunts who will grab your dog and try and drown it.
Imagine running into this fucker, jesus.



I raise your fake PANDAS, with...Sloth are fake too. As are Penguins:


Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
Imagine running into this fucker, jesus.

View attachment 51903
And that's what they do: they're The Terminator. One of those fuckers, I'd take a shotgun to his faggot face.

The thing is - I don't know if it's universal across all Australia - but they're literally considered vermin. They're healthy to eat, it's cheap meat and it's full of protein, but they're actually a scourge. I guess they're our version of venison, but we have deer in some areas anyway.

They're fucking cunts is my point.

I really tried to watch that from the perspective that he's a complete nutjob, but I have to say... I don't think they exist either now.
Okay, just watched it... pandas are fake bullshit. We don't know how pandas keep existing, but we know FOR SURE that the bones we found of dinosaurs are from millions of years ago, but we can't find the Missing Link. Also, at the same time, we don't know exactly what happened in Ancient Egypt. The Dodo can go extinct, but not the panda bears.

Another weird tie-in is "panda eyes", which is a pedophile term that refers to the sunken and blackened eyes of children who look that way due to the trauma of sodomy. I'm not making this shit up.

If people choose to accept it, we're truly on some Hell-scape where you'll be heckled by some doofus for promoting "conspiritard" shit, yet all our leaders are a part of the World Economic Forum promoted by Rothschild's son Klaus Schwab who dresses like an alien overlord, and Yuval Noah Harari says we're all "hackable animals" and he's considered to be Obama's favourite author.

9/11 was done by inbred Muslims... lol.


And that's what they do: they're The Terminator. One of those fuckers, I'd take a shotgun to his faggot face.

The thing is - I don't know if it's universal across all Australia - but they're literally considered vermin. They're healthy to eat, it's cheap meat and it's full of protein, but they're actually a scourge. I guess they're our version of venison, but we have deer in some areas anyway.

They're fucking cunts is my point.

Okay, just watched it... pandas are fake bullshit. We don't know how pandas keep existing, but we know FOR SURE that the bones we found of dinosaurs are from millions of years ago, but we can't find the Missing Link. Also, at the same time, we don't know exactly what happened in Ancient Egypt. The Dodo can go extinct, but not the panda bears.

Another weird tie-in is "panda eyes", which is a pedophile term that refers to the sunken and blackened eyes of children who look that way due to the trauma of sodomy. I'm not making this shit up.

If people choose to accept it, we're truly on some Hell-scape where you'll be heckled by some doofus for promoting "conspiritard" shit, yet all our leaders are a part of the World Economic Forum promoted by Rothschild's son Klaus Schwab who dresses like an alien overlord, and Yuval Noah Harari says we're all "hackable animals" and he's considered to be Obama's favourite author.

9/11 was done by inbred Muslims... lol.
What's the opposite of conspiracy theory? Mainstream convention?

Well, just like with the US Dollar, the powers that be, diluted and devalued mainstream conventions by peppering so much lies and fuckery...its actually only people who don't even have the appropriate 'radar' or circumstances, that haven't noticed and all this will always escape them anyway,

So idk, being a conspiratard has benefited me more than hurt. I have now established my dad's recent bout of illness was due to the jabs for eg.


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
What's the opposite of conspiracy theory? Mainstream convention?

Well, just like with the US Dollar, the powers that be, diluted and devalued mainstream conventions by peppering so much lies and fuckery...its actually only people who don't even have the appropriate 'radar' or circumstances, that haven't noticed and all this will always escape them anyway,

So idk, being a conspiratard has benefited me more than hurt. I have now established my dad's recent bout of illness was due to the jabs for eg.
If covid and the jab doesn't open people's eyes to the fact that there's more going on than meets the eye, nothing will.

Most people seem programmed to think one single way, and seem incapable of stepping outside their way of thinking, they are right and everyone who presents different thoughts is crazy.

My father is this way, he's a bleeding heart liberal and he just blindly accepts everything the msm and government tells him, if you try to present a different view to him he tells you you're crazy.

I don't even argue with such people anymore, they always try to dehumanize you for your views, they are incapable and unwilling to even listen to different point of views.

The NPC meme is real.
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Mel BJ quote fulfillster
WWAW Owen Benjamin btw? what's he upto these days?
After he blew his engagement to Ricci he sperged out on jews too much, now 3+ hour streams from his farm to his cult :dm_small:
He's sometimes still funny in a "I'll watch 1 of his streams a year" way, his voice is grating, but he can help see how shitty things are like when Norton ruined Face-Off for Patrice in a funny way (that's a reference to the Opie and Anthony show aired on January 19th 2009).